It’s beginning to look a lot like… Monday.
- 25 years ago, some 7,200 witnesses oberved a boomerang-shaped object “as bright as a city street, and as big as a football field” over the skies of southern New York State. Watch the Unsolved Mysteries program here, and here.
- MySpace has no love for Gary McKinnon. If you want to watch the former hacker’s latest musical incursion, click here.
- Do people with Asperger Syndrome understand intentional actions in a different way than ‘normal’ persons?
- Brain Scans show bullies enjoy others’ pain. So the have a brain after all, huh?
- Can something like Love be measured? And I’m not talking about the size of a diamond in your engagement ring!
- What color is the number Se7en? I’m guessing blood red, but maybe I’m too influenced by Hollywood.
- Are Synchronicities an open doorway to lucidity?
- Does the evidence for ‘Anomalous Cognition’ meet Scientific standards?
- The Internet: a magical place where you can chat and/or have sex with a complete stranger; or get a reading by a psychic.
- Obama may not be Superman, but he needs to save the Shuttle nonetheless.
- NASA Reveals New Rover For Manned Extraterrestrial Missions. It looks like the Jetsons-meets-Bonanza wagon!
- China aims to land a moon-buggy by 2012. Yet ANOTHER event for that happy date 😉
- in the XXIst century, China is being threaened by Melanine. 2 millenia ago, it was being threatened by Monsoons.
- Video of Ancient Rome in 3-D. Are you not entertained??!
- Crikey! Aussie ‘Cage of Death’ taunts crocs with human food.
- Snakes kill more people than dengue & skin cancer.
- Your iPod can kill you, in more ways that you can imagine.
- Saber-toothed tigers were a lot like football players: big, muscular, and team-workers.
- Chemical biomarkers once thought to be the oldest known evidence of complex life, may not be that old after all. But don’t open the champagne just yet, my Creationist friends.
- Video: It’s the end of the world as we know it, & Daniel Wojcik feels fine—He must be a ‘reptilian’…
Thanks, Perceval.
Quote of the Day:
“It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of [the UFO]phenomenon.”