- In an historic radio interview, Apollo 14’s Dr. Edgar Mitchell claims aliens HAVE made contact. Hear the interview here (look for the ‘Tuesday’ transmission of the ‘The Night Before’ show; Mitchell goes on air at approx. 18:31:00 to 18:41:25. Nick Pope’s comment goes out at 18:51:00 to 18:59:00). Yes, I’m aware Rick linked this news yesterday; but I do believe it is worthy of a second look, don’t you?
- And here’s yet another scientist defending the UFO phenomenon. If this is becoming a trend, those skeptics who like to go out on Larry King Live might have to find a new gig (H/T to Greg Bishop at UFO Mystic).
- Another historic event in the making? Loren Coleman doubts it: The Bigfoot Body Brouhaha. (This news has already jumped into mainstream media).
- Do dead people watch us? Yes, says medium Concetta Bertoldi; author of ‘Do Dead People Watch You Shower?: And Other Questions You’ve Been All but Dying to Ask a Medium’ (Amazon US, & UK).
- Michelangelo knew he was ugly and had poor hygiene, so why do modern artists have to rub it in?
- A 62-year-old Capuchin monk is the leadsinger of a heavy metal band. Because you can have only so much of those darn Gregorian chants.
- Barely alive: Seafloor microbes might resemble exo-organisms. The only difference? The ecosystem of Europa is probably not polluted with plastic bottles.
- “At the next crater, turn left…” GPS for the Moon.
- The little satellite that could… spot Armageddon-class asteroids.
- Go Rocket Racer, go! Rocket planes to ship for first demo race.
- Thanks to the Olympics, Beijing gets its Eiffel Tower of sorts: A cool Möebious strip-shaped ultra-modern building, courtesy of Rem Koolhas. In these pics you can see several, different, phases in its construction.
- Also thanks to the Olympics, Beijing’s modernizing drive turns many historical neighborhoods into rubble.
- The mystery of the Chinese pyramids (H/T to The Anomalist).
- Hanging out with the wrong swarm: “Greenhouse” bees spread disease to wild bees.
- Tired: Wikipedia. Wired: Medpedia. Medical searching the Wiki way.
- Why you will eat less in the future; and nothing at all in the far future —you know… ‘cause you’ll be like, dead 😉
- Big brains arose separately in multiple primate groups; in the group known as ‘politicians’, the brain did not arise at all.
- Bay of Pigs 2.0? U.S. General warns Russia on nuclear bombers in Cuba.
- Synthetic pot as a military weapon? Meet the man (or is that ‘dude’) who ran the secret program.
- WarGames: A look back at the film that turned geeks & phreaks into stars. It sure changed the life of this bloke.
- Comics-based movies keep on comin’, including the much anticipated Watchmen (You can view its new HD trailer here).
- World’s smallest camera plane shows off in public. You might want to buy new bug screens for your windows, before they become illegal (Video here).
Thanks to Greg, Rick, Kat and the rest of the Agents of Chaos 😉
Quote of the Day:
“Ever danced with the Devil under the pale Moon light?…”
Jack Nicholson as The Joker (v. 1.0)