Come fly with me.
- Well, it seems we may finally have our jetpacks: Yves Rossy, a swiss pilot, has become the first Icarus of the XXIst century (video). I’m still waiting for my flying car and robot maid, but I’m not holding my breath.
- Junk computers could fuel cars. But what about junk cars?
- Polar bear is made a Protected Species. A nice gesture, but will it make a difference? And why doesn’t this company do something to protect their unofficial Xmas mascot?
- Scientists investigate recent spate of coyote attacks on Californian children. Either they can’t run as fast as roadrunners, or the coyotes have finally stopped buying at Acme.
- Fedora? Check!… Whip? Check!… Revolver? Check!… Lego Blocks?… … Lego Blocks??!
- Russia & Europe may start mooning together …Wait, that can’t be right!
- You wanna see a whole room of grown men & women holding a rabbit’s foot and a 4-leafed trefoil on each hand? Head to the JPL headquarters in California, on May 25th.
- Mobile phone text messages cost more than using the Hubble Space Telescope. Comments about this news in less that 160 characters, please
- Physicists demonstrate how information can escape from Black Holes. By information they mean cool floating robots and their human sidekicks; the nasty evil robots stay trapped, I’m afraid.
- Youngest exploding star discovered. Nooo… we’re not talking about this star.
- Seems the yanks get the gray aliens, while the brits favor the green ones.
- Web-based system mathematically analyzes the Paranormal.
- Randi breaks off negotiations on Dogs That Know experiment. Perhaps he fears that some of the dogs might URInate on him 😉
- “May you live in Fortean Times” would make a super cool greeting card… But even cooler would be “May your Grail be filled today” 😉
- “Snake man” slithers out of prison cell. Come on! This is obviously a PR stunt for the upcoming ‘X Files’ movie.
- Edinburgh’s answer to Mulder and Scully. Well, Mulder studied in Cambridge, so…
- Israel turns 60: Some cheer & some mourn. But one thing is certain, and that is the tremendous impact this nation has had in the shaping of modern history: slide show.
- Some jews—and even non-jews!— dream of one day building a Third Temple of Jerusalem, but does it make sense in the Third Millenium?
- Ok, how about a holographic virtual temple, then?
- Another event that changed the world: The French Social Revolution of ’68.
- But can mass protests still make a difference?
Mercy to Rick, Kat and the Gen. of ‘68
Quote of the Day:
“L’imagination au pouvoir” (Imagination to power)
Anonymous (Although psycho-magician Alejandro Jodorowsky claims ownership…)