A strange assortment to get you through the week…
- Brad Steiger writes on his encounter with Philip K. Dick.
- The Societe Perillos investigates whether the CIA looked for Jesus, in their post “666 = Satan’s Song?”
- This week’s Binnall of America audio podcast features Danny Hennigar discussing Oak Island (podcast/mp3 download/streaming via Flash). Mr BoA also gives us a heck of a nice mention at the end of the interview – cheers Tim!
- Terence McKenna talks about “Psychedelic Society” in the latest podcast from the Psychedelic Salon.
- At Rigorous Intuition, Jeff Wells considers “The Unnameable“.
- Filip Coppens tells the story of “Archaeological Trench Warfare at Glozel“, in France.
- At Cabinet of Wonders (#1), Graylien asks “Are You a Believer?“. Careful of the impending wrist slap…
- You can taste the Geller flavouring in skeptic Randi’s latest home-cooked newsletter. Also: “Tell Me What’s in the Envelope“, and “The Second Phenomenon Episode“.
- Inexplicata presents a guest article from Brazilian UFO investigator Pablo Villarrubia Mauso, who is reopening the famous Villas Boas abduction case.
- Loren Coleman investigates the history of the “First Sea Serpent Sighting” at Cryptomundo.
- Cabinet of Wonders (#2) has a feature on Dia de los Muertos – the Day of the Dead.
- Diana Slattery chats with Tom Roberts about “Rising Researchers on the Psychedelic Horizon“.
- At UFO Mystic, Nick Redfern pulls another fascinating case from his archives for you to peruse. While there, check out Greg Bishop’s post “Insidious Creatures of the Imaginal Realm“.
- Anthony North surveys “Ancient Technology” at Beyond the Blog.
- UFO Casebook #280 is now online.
- Stuart Miller gets bored of the whole Project Serpo melodrama at Alien Worlds Magazine.