Happy birthday for yesterday to my little nephew Ethan!
- Meet Jessica Utts, the paranormal statistician.
- Can this man see the future…or is he just dreaming?
- Will supersmart artificial intelligences keep humans around as pets? Also: online worlds to be AI incubators.
- Is this the end for the iconic Arecibo radio telescope?
- The Cassini probe delivers some amazing up-close-and-personal images of Saturnian moon Iapetus (as one commenter notes on Wired: “Hoagland will have a field day with this”). Visit NASA’s Cassini-Huygens page for more information and a library of raw imagery.
- Mars Rover Opportunity begins long-awaited drive into Victoria Crater.
- Climate change ruled out as cause for Neanderthal extinction. I wonder what the Neanderthal-era Al Gore would have looked like? Don’t bother telling me…I can read your mind.
- Gorillas head critically endangered wildlife list.
- Also in trouble is this Chinese megafish (video story), which can grow to 16 feet in length. If only it were Japanese, then I could use a snappy ‘Fishzilla’ headline…
- Take a last look. Maybe tell your kids about them one day.
- The 20 most bizarre experiments of all time (*Warning* – nasty things happening to animals, don’t click if you are squeamish). Elephants on Acid will be available from Amazon in November 2007.
- Cancer doubt remains over mobile phones.
- Welcome to the Christian States of America.
- Seventy ton granite statue of Buddha unearthed.
- Diamond super scope to unveil hidden texts.
- Finding a tree within a tree.
- When MRI machines go bad. Might make you nervous next time you’re lying quietly inside an MRI…
Quote of the Day:
The beauty and genius of a work of art may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer; but when the last individual of a race of living beings breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again.
William Beebe