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No More Corby

This is not the type of site that usually restricts discussion of topics. However, the Schapelle Corby threads have got out of hand – this is not a Schapelle Corby action site, if you would like one then please set it up yourself. There are more than enough Schapelle Corby blogs (14 of them) to discuss the topic in, we do not need anymore written. Therefore, I will delete any new blogs on that topic as soon as I see them.

I also recommend that if you want a cause, then head down to your local kids hospital – you’ll probably find a number of terminally-ill children whose families could use your support more than Schapelle Corby does at this point.

  1. Totally agree
    Also, head down to your local Amnesty International office — there are people in jail far worse off than Schapelle Corby who need your help, and these people don’t have Corby’s publicity machine either.

    Now let’s get back to what TDG does best …

    1. you can’t see the woods for the trees
      If you stopped for just a moment your brown-nosing of Greg, Rick, you would see that there is a bigger issue at stake here.

      This is an opportunity to show people here how others suffer and if SC is the vehicle for it, then so be it.


      1. I’m pretty disappointed in that post Shadows. I thought you had a bit more respect for Rick’s intelligence and independence than that.

        I sure do. And no, I’m not brown-nosing him.

        Peace and Respect
        You monkeys only think you’re running things

        1. I have a lot of repect for Rick’s intelligence…
          …but not a lot for his independence.

          I have noticed for a long time that Rick does not engage in discussions if he thinks someone won’t like him for what he says.
          He occasionally posts links to sites denigrating America but when it comes to discussions of such opinions he calls a halt.
          If he feels that way he should be able to discuss why.

          I realise this probably has nothing to do with independence or maybe it has, who cares anyway.I don’t.
          But if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
          And Rick is in the kitchen.


          1. please be rational
            This is an opportunity to show people here how others suffer and if SC is the vehicle for it, then so be it.

            The point is Shadows, there have been literally hundreds of past opportunities — yet the Australian public remained silent and ignored them. I strongly feel that there is quite a bit of bandwagoneering going on with Corby’s cause. People write a letter to their newspaper, they vent their anger over coffee, they sneer at Indonesia — then they pat themselves on the back, think that they’re a saint who has saved the world, and completely ignore the hundreds … THOUSANDS … of other people who have been wrongly prisoned and/or suffer abuse in prison. Corby supporters absolutely STINK of hypocrisy right now, and I can’t stomach it. Recent abuse towards Indonesians and Balinese, threats of cutting off aid to Tsunami victims — I’ve felt sick to my stomach this week, totally ashamed to be an Australian. The behaviour of the Australian public in response to Corby’s jail sentence has been nothing short of disgusting.

            As for America — I am NOT anti-American. I strongly believe that America is merely one cause of the world’s ills. America is a cause, not the cause. People are so America-centric, so focused on Bush, that they are completely blind to other culprits — and there are plenty of ’em in Europe. Asia. South America. Africa. It’s wrong to be so America-centric, and constantly venting your hatred of Bush isn’t going to change the world. I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it once more only — I don’t like talking politics. It’s not who I am. I’d rather go out and quietly do something — donate to charity, help out with causes such as Amnesty International. Ranting and raving about it on the internet isn’t going to change a goddamn thing and at the end of the day, I’m proud of the little things I do in my life that help others. It’s a shame you can’t look past my posts on TDG and realise that there’s more to me than internet message boards Shadows.

            I’m disappointed in your response Shadows, I thought you were better than that. In no way am I brown-nosing Greg — I simply agree that the balance of subjects on TDG can sometimes have too much politics, and in the case of Corby, there are far better and more productive places to discuss her situation.

            As for why I stay out of political discussions on the internet — your posts in this thread accusing me of brown-nosing is the reason why. Political discussions on the internet invariably degenerate into name-calling and vitriol, spiteful tantrums and irrational misunderstandings. I hate it. I’m happy to chat politik person to person — I’m a reasonable man, I’m calm, polite, quiet, I listen carefully before offering my viewpoint. On the internet, arguing politics …urgh … nope, I just can’t be myself, and I get frustrated and saddened with the manner in which posters attack each other. I’d much rather turn the computer off, go read a book, and be content that almost $100 of my monthly pay-check (and I get paid peanuts, let me tell you!) goes towards various charities that I know are making a small, but significant, difference in our world.

            That’s the point Greg was making, Shadows — that 14 blogs and countless flames is excessive for this site, that there are better and more productive ways.

            Hell, I’m not innocent. I’ve posted my fair share of petty sarcasm directed at Zahi Hawass. I’ve proselytised in the past and been scolded for it (my ears are still ringing, Greg!). Sometimes enough is enough and we have to draw a line in the sand and say, no more, otherwise it gets out of hand and a lot of damage can be done to personal reputations — and to the Daily Grail website itself. I’m sure you agree that TDG doesn’t deserve to suffer the burdern of 14 blogs containing some of the most angry and spiteful posts I’ve ever seen.

            This is my final word on Corby, politics, and this thread. I’ve really had enough this week, not even a cave in Tibet could get me far enough away from the insanity. On the bus, the train, at work, at home, at the local pub, at a restaurant, at the football, walking down the street — everywhere I go all I hear are people ranting and raving about Schapelle Corby as if they’re law experts, and I’ve had enough! I only ever read the sports pages of newspapers these days, and I excercise very strict control when I watch the news on television (something comes on that’ll boil my blood, I hit the off switch) — in this, I’m very much like the John Irving character in A Prayer For Owen Meaney. I’d rather eat ice cream than hear the latest news about Corby. If that makes me shallow, so be it.

            I do plenty of little things in real life that I believe go a long way to helping make this world a better place, and even though I’m my own harshest critic, I think I’m doing pretty well to make my immediate world a nicer place.

            Don’t jump to conclusions, Shadows.

            Peace and respect (no, I’m not brown-nosing!),


            This is the end of my post. There’s nothing else. Really. This is the end. I have nothing more to say. Goodbye.

  2. you are missing the point
    The point with Corby is not that she is some poor little druggie who is in jail for 20 years.
    The point is that this issue is going to cause massive trouble with our nearest neighbour, Indonesia, which also happens to have the biggest Islamic population in the world.
    There is also the issue of jailing people, and even killing them for carrying drugs which I believe should be de-criminalised.
    There is the other issue of the disgusting conditions in some jails in the world and this is revealing such to Australians.
    In fact, this is Amnesty International’s dream scenario.
    They have tried for years to bring the conditions of people in these sort of jails to the public in Australia and the public does not want to know about it.
    I know that AI deals with prisoners of conscience, but it is not such a big step from there to the right to use the drug of your choice.

    I am very sad to see that you cannot separate Corby from the whole issue of treating people worse than animals and the whole human rights thing that has been brought to attention.


  3. I can see your point shadows
    I can see your point shadows it is sometimes difficult to find new posts in the blogs, and it would only be made worse with an eye problem. I also think that what you are saying about Australia/Indonesia relations and the state of thier goals is a relevant point. Yes Oscar is a sh** stirrer. But Gregs point is also very valid, it seems to me that some people are turning up here just to stir things up and when someone does not agree they resort very quickly to name calling and derogatory comments to members. The heat and arguments spawned on here can cause a lot of damage and I have seen other sites fold because of less. I can’t finish right now as I have to head off to work. But please let our tempers calm down a bit and think about what we are trying to say. You have to admit that 14 seperate blogs on one subject does seem a bit excessive. Just my view from the fence 🙂
    My respects to all

    1. New Posts
      As an aid to those who have trouble finding all the latest comments on the site, I do recommend clicking on ‘Recent Posts’ in the main menu. This gives a rundown of the most recently commented upon stories and blogs. If you are logged in, it also tells you how many and the link takes you to the first post after your last read.

      Peace and Respect
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

  4. Corby Conundrum
    This is such a cool site to get into that it’s difficult to comprehend why there are such arguments over something like the Corby case.

    I thought this place was for people with open minds who were maybe interested in something a bit different from the usual news based stories / crap etc.

    Surely if you want to read / talk / scream / discuss things about this case you need to go elsewhere … or am I being daft?


  5. Onya mate
    I too agree with everything you say and Rico was spot on when he mentioned the hypocracy of the Corby supporters. The news flash is that a 43 year old Australian man has just been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in Vietnam for trying to send 200 grams of heroin back to Australia. He has received the lightest sentence it seems because the heroin was seized before it left Vietnam.
    Let’s now see how Shadow and her ilk respond to THIS! Am I being cynical or could this be somehow less newsworthy because 1. Mr Tran is male, 2. he’s of Vietnamese ‘decent’ and 3. he’s not young and photogenic? I think I’d be safe to say that if the Australian media doesn’t whip this case into a frenzy it will be enough proof that the Corby case has less to do with Australians’ newly found ‘concern’ with criminal law injustice overseas and the appalling conditions of prisons in the “Third World” than with emotional knee jerking (which we all know, anyway).
    I’m still trying to figure out what the references to ‘muslim’ and ‘tsunami’ have to do with how the Balinese judges handled Corby. Same judges, same court that tried and convicted the Bali bombers, with applause by Australians at the time, but now deemed ‘corrupt’. Btw Shadow, what’s your take on the Vietnamese justice system?

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