Because I know we haven’t given you much to read lately, here’s one worth checking out: Explore (‘The Journal of Science and Healing’) has a complete issue devoted to the paradigm-challenging consciousness experiments of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research program (PEAR) – and all the articles are available for free online (PDF and text versions). From Larry Dossey’s introduction to the issue:
Human history is largely a reflection of “what ifs.” What if we could make fire, our ancestors wondered? Craft a wheel? Domesticate wild animals? Grow grain? Sail around the world? Fly? Split an atom? Go to the moon? In this issue of EXPLORE, we are considering the most important what if ever conceived: what if consciousness is nonlocal – that is, unconfined to specific points in space, such as the brain and body, and unrestricted to specific points in time, such as the present moment? What if consciousness is fundamental in the universe – derived from nothing more elemental, irreducible to nothing more basic? What would be the consequences for healing and for human welfare in general?
In this issue of EXPLORE, our window onto these considerations will be the peer-reviewed publications, technical reports, and essays that for more than a quarter of a century have flowed from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program.
The material ranges from technical papers through to very readable commentaries and summaries – but all of it fascinating.