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Downward spiral

Down the Rabbit-Hole

Paranormal researcher and pundit George P. Hansen – the author of the seminal book The Trickster and the Paranormal – has posted a quite amazing entry on his blog, which touches on the crossovers between UFO/paranormal research and the shady world of government agencies. This is a really sensitive topic, with most people preferring to sweep it under the carpet – but it is one that really, at some stage, needs to come to a head. Most importantly because it has ramifications for the reputation (and research) in multiple fields, from parapsychology to ufology, and alien abductions.

Hansen’s blog entry is basically a frontal attack on the credibility of C. B. “Scott” Jones and Colonel John Alexander, as speakers at this year’s “X-Conference” (held next weekend):

In the early 1990s, Jones publicly proclaimed that he “honestly did not know of any activity of the U.S. government” in the field of UFOs.1 But in 1992 Robert J. Durant produced a detailed, widely circulated white paper demonstrating that Jones was in a position to throw considerable light on government-UFO activities…

Colonel John Alexander (U.S. Army, retired) was heavily involved with the U.S. government’s psychic spying program, but he was also active with UFOs. In fact, Alexander admitted that he was the model for the “Harold Phillips” character in Howard Blum’s book “Out There: The Government’s Secret Quest for Extraterrestrials”.

Hansen then goes on to detail some rather shocking connections, which include links to the JFK assassination investigation, and also to the strange case of Armen Victorian – if you care to research either of these two topics, you’ll head down some very deep rabbit-holes indeed! Far too deep to go into here…it should be enough to say they involve plenty of shady government agencies, various levels of harassment and threats, and all the other cloak and dagger you’d expect from such folk.

Hansen’s point is this:

Whatever one may think of Jones and Alexander, one cannot reasonably conclude that they have worked to inform the public about government-UFO activities. They have fostered ambiguity and suspicion, and perhaps worse. One might be skeptical of any statements they may make on the topic.

Now, George Hansen is not some kooky conspiracy guy. He is a respected thinker on paranormal topics who has been involved in the field for many years – though he is also disliked by many because he tends to ‘call it as he sees it’. George P. HansenAnd in this case he may be calling the biggest topic there is in the paranormal field. John Alexander is linked to various high-profile research efforts on the paranormal – from the ‘Stargate’ remote viewing project, through to Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS). Beyond Alexander though, numerous high-profile researchers on paranormal topics also have been connected to government agencies.

My point? Considering its already shaky reputation, the field of paranormal research is one that must be open, honest and transparent. Involvement of government agencies throws a huge – and unwelcome – shadow upon that goal. That’s not to say that those involved with such agencies have nefarious goals or are bad people – I know quite a few myself, and most I would have nothing but praise for. But it is a huge issue that needs to be discussed more openly.

  1. Very well put, Greg
    Hansen makes very valid points. It especially amazes me that many people accept the version of events given by remote viewers such as Alexander wholesale, without question, despite the remote viewers of Stargate and Grill Flame working closely with, and for, the Pentagon. UFO research groups have been infiltrated by CIA, and we’ve been subject to massive disinformation campaigns since Roswell 1947. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to consider that the field of remote viewing is equally compromised. However, this may be exactly what the CIA wants, to cultivate suspicion and paranoia amongst the research communities, so people who should respect and trust each other are full of distrust and doubts. But that’s a downward spiral of paranoia none of us wants to get caught in.

    I’m currently reading Paul H. Smith’s book on remote viewing, Reading the Enemy’s Mind, and I’m often wondering if he’s telling us everything he knows or is saying just enough to keep us satisfied but is holding back the real nitty gritty. Smith appears genuine, but he did work in Military Intelligence, so there is an aura of doubt about him. Despite my niggling suspicions, I give him the benefit of the doubt, it’s an excellent book. And Paul’s friendship and working history with Russell Targ is a big selling point — Targ is a very sincere and genuine paranormal researcher and person. After reading his book Limitless Mind, I’m left with no doubt that Targ means every word he writes, with passion, sincerity and clarity. Smith, in my opinion, is the real deal, which is especially important considering there are many Sylvia Browne’s in the remote viewing publishing world.

    And as Daniel Brenton rightly pointed out many moons ago, not every politician and military person is an evil dictator wanting to drink our blood. Most are normal, honest, hardworking people loyal to their friends, family and colleagues. I tend to agree – heheh, that should shock Anonymous out of hiding! 😉

    1. Smith and Targ
      Well, in case Anon is off communing somewhere and can’t respond, I will concur with your observations. My brief encounter with Smith supports the idea he is as straight-up-the-middle guy as any you could find. In my nearly completed career in science and engineering research, I have known hundreds (thousands?) of guys that fit the prototype. These guys are often, literally, Boy Scouts. The thought of scamming someone, or embellishing something beyond a little beer bravado is anathema.

      Now Targ is a bit different: he represents the best of that rare beast: the inspired, creative scientist with a twinkle in his eye and a passion for truth seeking. Awesome.

      Xavier Onassis

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