In the ancient fortress of Sacsayhuaman, one of the most impressive remnants of Inca archeology near the ancient city of...
Ancient Apocalypse, a documentary series based on the research of alternative history author Graham Hancock (and hosted by him as...
It’s 2024 and Doctor Who is back on our TV screens once again. Ncuti Gatwa is officially the Fifteenth Doctor...
Stonehenge remains the undisputed king of British megalithic sites, even though there is no shortage of other sites that could...
Late last year the ancient site of Gunung Padang in Indonesia garnered worldwide media attention after the publication of a...
Alien NationConspiranoiaCryptozoologyForteanaFresh ScienceHidden HistoryHumanity PlusMagick CircleMind MysteriesMyths and FolkloreReligion & SpiritualitySacred SitesShamanismStraight Science
·Well another year is in the bag, and to be honest it might be once again a pretty good one...
When Cortés and his Spanish Conquistadors first laid eyes to Tenochtitlán, the capital of the Mexica (Aztec) empire in the...
If I had the money and time, one thing I would love to do is take a journey around Britain...