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Remembrance of Lives Past

The New York Times has an interesting piece on reincarnation and the current hipness of past-life regression. Towards the end of the article they talk to Dr Jim Tucker, who has continued on the work of Dr Ian Stevenson at the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia:

On the fringes of legitimate science, some researchers persist in studying consciousness and its durability beyond the body. Though Dr. Tucker, who directs the Child and Family Psychiatry Clinic at the University of Virginia, has few kind words for regression therapy or its practitioners, he continues to be committed to the scientific study of what can only be called reincarnation.

He is carrying on the pioneering research of his mentor, Dr. Ian Stevenson, who beginning in the 1960s collected more than 2,000 accounts of children between the ages of 2 and 7 who seemed to remember previous lives vividly without the help of hypnosis.

…Dr. Tucker studies American children and in one case found a young boy who started to say, around the age of 18 months, that he was his own (deceased) grandfather. “He eventually told details of his grandfather’s life that his parents felt certain he could not have learned through normal means,” Dr. Tucker wrote in Explore, which calls itself a journal of science and healing, “such as the fact that his grandfather’s sister had been murdered and that his grandmother had used a food processor to make milkshakes for his grandfather every day at the end of his life.”

Dr. Tucker won’t say such cases add up to proof of reincarnation, but he likes to keep an open mind.

“There can be something that survives after the death of the brain and the death of the body that is somehow connected to a new child,” he said. “I have become convinced that there is more to the world than the physical universe. There’s the mind piece, which is its own entity.”

Below I’ve embedded a little video of Jim Tucker discussing his research into ‘spontaneous past-life memories’ in children:

For more on the topic, see also this recent TDG story about Ian Stevenson’s life work linking to a bunch of articles.

  1. Digging onto this in depth
    Digging onto this in depth reveals coincidences way, way, way beyond chance. And the odds don’t just pertain to a few cases but to many. I don’t see how anyone can debunk these from the standpoint of coincidence though I’m sure that a grasper like The Amazing Randi has tried with one of his typical exercises in tortured logic. Of course, Randi’s more usual strategy is to just pick some weak cases and pretend they are important.
    Physicists need to pay attention to this phenomenon in great detail since there may be clues about quantum entanglement to be found in the timelines of these cases. The conditions prevailing at the time of birth versus the conditions prevailing at the time of death of the reincarnated entity might lead to conjectures about the influence of, say, the sun or the galaxy at the time of the “tranfer.” Working backwards from this phenomenon would probably be immensely fruitful for physics and other sciences.

  2. Reincarnation, NDE and Quantum Physics
    Interesting how all the latest research comes together to support continuance of the soul/conciousness:

    I am currently reading Pim Van Lommel, MD’s book titled Consiciousness Beyond Life in which his study over a 20 year period or so interviewed cardiac patients mere days after their resusitation if they remembered anything during their time of death? From his results he postulates consciousness survives and exists separately from the body. In a nutshell – the brain acts as a receiver like your television or radio receiving/broadcasting the consciuosness as our awareness of life, but is NOT the creator or cause of consciousness. He uses current research and experiments in quantum physics as well as the testimony of NDE experiencers to support this hypothesis. He also speculates that DMT is the chemical conduit between the brain and our consciousness.

    Robert Lanza, MD author of Biocentrism goes down a similar path – not so much about NDE’s and survival after death, but rather that the past, present and future coexist simultaneiously with an infinite number of possibilities/universes due to the quantum physics evidence that all matter is waves/energy (my unscientific generalization) that has no definite form until acted upon by conciuosness. He theorizes that like a needle on a record our present is merely where the needle is placed on the record and our brain constructs the energy into matter by observing it. The past is then instantly shaped from the now back to the Big Bang based on the necessary and logical sequence for us to be here now – hence the infinite “lucky” circumstances that resulted in Man existing at all. His theory neccesitates the separate and eternal existence of conciousness independent of matter/the body and is based on his culling of recent experimental results in quantum physics and biology.

    Graham Hancock’s Supernatural (I just started reading too) seems also to suggest the existence of different realms/dimensions. He too suggest that DMT is the key to unlocking the brains ability to transcend the physical and access these hidden realms…barely into the book yet.

    And then of course there is Edgar Cayce who during his hypnotic trance states accessed what he termed the akashic records – the permanent record of the souls journey through existence in different realms/dimenisions as well as different incarnations on earth. Interesting how so much of what Cayce’s readings state coincide with the above different but similar takes on consciousness and quantum physics. My belief in survival of consciuosness aka the soul after death and repeated incarnations on earth grows stronger by the day – wishful thinking it may be or not…

    1. source of the real world
      This bit is a common idea these days:
      …due to the quantum physics evidence that all matter is waves/energy (my unscientific generalization) that has no definite form until acted upon by conciuosness.
      I very seriously doubt that there is any truth to this. The form of stuff that is billions of light years away, or at least the light waves arriving here from those distances, are taking on form because there is an observer now.

      No, that doesn’t work for me. And that’s not a criticism of your summary here, which I think is well put. It’s my criticism of the whole idea.

      Conciousness creating an image of the universe is one thing. Conciousness creating that particular, very strange and largely unknown universe is another thing. I don’t care if Einstein himself came up with that interpretation, this doesn’t work.

  3. coming back
    When I was about 2 years old I saw an old woman sitting on my coach on Christmas morning. She vanished when I got closer, but I didn’t even notice that. When I was much older I described her to mom and she showed me a photo of my grandmother (her mom) and it was her. The strange thing is that grandma didn’t come alone. Another man with blond hair was sitting next to her that morning on the coach; my mom said I saw grandma’s friend who had passed away before her. Grandma died before I was born.

    Now I don’t believe these are my incarnations. Children are said to be more sensitive to spiritual activity, just as do animals, perhaps because of purity or naivety or whatever, I can’t say. In fact I wrote a long story on this subject called “Within” which features children being controlled by their “inner demons” not to do evil but as guides in their current life. They try to escape from being experiments by an evil underground organization in the guise of a educational institution designed to help children with this type of psychological “disorder.”

    I do believe in reincarnation.

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