Here’s an interesting remnant from back in the days when it was still kosher to conduct scientific studies with LSD. An artist –whose identity has been lost– was administered two 50-microgram doses of LSD, each separated by a lapse of one hour, and was then asked to draw portraits while under its influence, using the doctor who administered the drugs as model. The gradual progression into a freer and more abstract style, is a tell-tale indication of how the psychedelic is influencing not only the perceptions of the test subject, but also its creative processes.
It is believed these artworks are part of a study conducted by Oscar Janiger, a University of California-Irvine psychiatrist known for his work on LSD, which started in 1954 and continued on for the next seven years.
Einstein once said “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Given the incapacity of our world leaders against not only the age-old problems plaguing humanity since the Dawn of Time –e.g. War, Hunger and Poverty– but also new threats like Climate Change, I’d say the answer to their stagnation is pretty obvious…
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