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Field Guide to Crop Circles

This looks interesting. Strange Attractor’s Mark Pilkington has joined forces with Jon Lundberg and Rob Irving of The Circlemakers to create The Field Guide: The Art, History and Philosophy of Crop Circle Making:

Three decades ago, two men in their fifties began flattening circles into the fields of Hampshire and Wiltshire. Little did they know that their Friday night antics would seed an international phenomenon that continues to change people’s lives to this day.

Now, in the first book of its kind – part history and part how-to guide – the secrets of the crop circle world are revealed, by the people behind the modern era’s most astounding artform.

Sure to cause a stir in the crop circle community, so well worth taking a look at. The website has a PDF press release and also samples of the inside of the book, for those interested. As an aside, there is also an article about the Circlemakers on the Greenpeace website which gives some topical background.

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