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Did Monotheism Arise From Temporal Lobe Epilepsy?

The Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun has become famous to us in the modern age mainly as a consequence of his tomb being found intact by Howard Carter in 1922. But along with his fame has come somewhat of a mystery over the cause of his death at just 19 years of age – from assassination through to an infected broken leg. But a new theory put forward by Hutan Ashrafian, a surgeon with an interest in medical history at Imperial College London, suggests that Tut’s illness was all in his head – literally – and it may just be the origin of humans worshiping just the one god (monotheism):

Tutankhamun’s mysterious death as a teenager may finally have been explained. And the condition that cut short his life may also have triggered the earliest monotheistic religion, suggests a new review of his family history.

…Paintings and sculptures show that Smenkhkare, an enigmatic pharaoh who may have been Tutankhamun’s uncle or older brother, and Akhenaten, thought to have been the boy king’s father, both had feminised figures, with unusually large breasts and wide hips. Two pharaohs that came before Akhenaten – Amenhotep III and Tuthmosis IV – seem to have had similar physiques. All of these kings died young and mysteriously, says Ashrafian. “There are so many theories, but they’ve focused on each pharaoh individually.”

Ashrafian found that each pharaoh died at a slightly younger age than his predecessor, which suggests an inherited disorder, he says. Historical accounts associated with the individuals hint at what that disorder may have been.

“It’s significant that two [of the five related pharaohs] had stories of religious visions associated with them,” says Ashrafian. People with a form of epilepsy in which seizures begin in the brain’s temporal lobe are known to experience hallucinations and religious visions, particularly after exposure to sunlight. It’s likely that the family of pharaohs had a heritable form of temporal lobe epilepsy, he says.

This diagnosis would also account for the feminine features. The temporal lobe is connected to parts of the brain involved in the release of hormones, and epileptic seizures are known to alter the levels of hormones involved in sexual development. This might explain the development of the pharaohs’ large breasts. A seizure might also be to blame for Tutankhamun’s fractured leg, says Ashrafian (Epilepsy & Behavior,

Tuthmosis IV had a religious experience in the middle of a sunny day, recorded in the Dream Stele – an inscription near the Great Sphinx in Giza. But his visions were nothing compared with those experienced by Akhenaten. They encouraged Akhenaten to raise the status of a minor deity called the “sun-disk”, or Aten, into a supreme god – abandoning the ancient Egyptian polytheistic traditions to start what is thought to be the earliest recorded monotheistic religion. If Ashrafian’s theory is correct, Akhenaten’s religious experiment and Tutankhamun’s premature death may both have been a consequence of a medical condition.

“People with temporal lobe epilepsy who are exposed to sunlight get the same sort of stimulation to the mind and religious zeal,” says Ashrafian.

Full story at New Scientist

[Photo by Steve Evans, Creative Commons Licence]

  1. Mfkzt

    This is sort of related. We who have been monkeying around in the field of ormus and “white powder gold” have some ideas about how these materials were made and used (by an elite class) in ancient Egypt. The material was apparently called “mfkzt” which translates as “what is it?” and it was said to be responsible for igniting the “ka” or light body within those who imbibed it. It’s use was reserved for pharoahs and the upper caste priests.
    There is also fun story that some Kings in their final departings for the afterlife would eat a whole lot of mfkzt and then walk out into the sun. The orbitally rearranged monatomic elements are reputed to flash off violently in direct sunlight, so the king would immolate himself like a piece of flash paper.


    “There is some material from ancient Egypt that provides some insight into this white powder, it is called the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Ani, by Budge. This is the oldest book of the Dead, found about 3500 BC in the tomb of Pepi the 2nd. It says, I am purified of all imperfections, what is it? I sin like the golden hawk of Horus, what is it? I pass by the immortals without dying, what is it? I come before my father in heaven, what is it? It goes on and on, always asking what is it?”

    “This knowledge was not completely lost, the high priests who left the temple when it was destroyed went out on the desert and organized the community known as Qumrun, they were the Essenes. If you get copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, which Eiseman and Wise just translated, this in ancient Egypt was known as the GOLDEN TEAR from the EYE OF HORUS.”

    “500 mg. a day for 30 days, was called the Egyptian rite of passage, and so we had to find out what does this do. After 5 or 6 days of taking this material, this fellow began to hear this very high frequency sound, and every day the sound gets louder, and louder, and louder, and louder, and louder and louder. By the time he finished his fast, he said it’s like loudspeakers in my brain, literally roaring this sound. It’s the same sound that many of the meditators have heard, that your told to listen for when you meditate, to find this sound, but when you think about it most people don’t hear it anymore. Well this sound is roaring in this man’s head, it’s roaring day and night, it’s roaring when he’s talking on the phone, it’s roaring when he’s working. And I said, “Doesn’t this disturb you? Isn’t this an irritating sound? ” and he said, “Not at all. It’s just like nectar”, because it doesn’t come through the ears. He said, “It’s inside the brain.”

  2. Dates a little off
    I love this sort of examination, although there has been additional speculation on what caused the feminine appearance of Akhenaten and others, unrelated to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, I find this sort of speculation fascinating. The dates are a bit off however, as Akhenaten’s reign was in the twelfth century BCE and the monotheistic religion of Judaism is first recorded in approximately the fourteenth century BCE, and Zoroastrianism has been traced back even further. While it may still be true that Temporal Lobe Epilepsy inspired monotheism, Akhenaten certainly didn’t start “…the earliest recorded monotheistic religion.”

  3. from the Close-Encounters-of-the-Co(s)mic-Kind-Dept.
    Those EBE’s and their invasive methods of sentient capture…

    “The Etheric Cattleprod 3000! It dices! It slices! It Valee fries!”

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