Dance like everyone is watching….
- Fermi only looked for plain-text: Encryption might be the reason we’ve never heard from aliens, says Edward Snowden.
- World Chess President claims he was abducted by aliens – and that they invented the game.
- The economic benefits of alien abduction.
- First reported alien abduction case, that of Betty and Barney Hill, to be made into a major motion picture.
- Musings on the power of initiation ceremonies into secretive groups.
- Why believing in astrology is not as harmless as you think. Skepsplaining is the new mansplaining….
- Six easy ways to tell if viral story is a hoax.
- The U.S. is finally taking action on antibiotic resistance.
- Leaf-eating caterpillars use their poop to trick plants into lowering their defences.
- The astonishing village where little girls turn into boys at puberty due to a rare genetic disorder.
- This man hallucinates smells when a storm is brewing.
- Japan’s long-lost Venus probe may boom back to life.
- Lost futures: The space plane NASA wanted to use to build solar power plants in orbit.
- Meet the man who was accused of trying to pull Earth out of its orbit.
- Price of 62-year-old drug goes from $13.50 a tablet to $750 overnight after being acquired by pharmaceutical company.
- Neuroscience’s new consciousness theory is spiritual.
- Image of the Day: Fur seal rides a humpback whale. Because animals riding each other is freaking me out.
Thanks @m1k3y.
Quote of the Day:
Finnegan’s paper began with the electrifying sentence, “The average Canadian has one testicle, just like Adolph Hitler — or, more precisely, the average Canadian has 0.96 testicles, an even sadder plight than Hitler’s, if the average Anything actually existed.” He then went on to demonstrate that the normal or average human lives in substandard housing in Asia, has 1.04 vaginas, cannot read or write, suffers from malnutrition and never heard of Silken Thomas Fitzgerald or Brian Boru. “The normal,” he concluded “consists of a null set which nobody and nothing really fits.”
Robert Anton Wilson, “Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal (CSICON)“