I welcome you to today’s news briefs with open arms…
- We now have the power to quickly alter DNA. It could eliminate disease. It could solve world hunger. It could really get out of hand.
- Teleportation is a real science…it just gets messy with big things. Brundlefly approves of this message.
- Backwards time travel is theoretically possible, but would create spooky, self-annihilating twins.
- Are the Berenst#in Bears evidence that we could be living in an alternate timeline.
- Is our universe a fake?
- The truth about the Turing Test. Pondering whether the article was written by a bot, just to screw with us…
- Hitchhiking robot lasts just two weeks in the U.S. because humans are terrible.
- Elongated skull found at ‘Russian Stonehenge’.
- 2000-year-old termite mound confirms insects can live in the same homes for millennia.
- A rare look inside Iron Mountain, home to America’s most priceless artifacts.
- Not content to fill our own skies with drones, we’re going to start on other planets.
- Why we’re probably alone in the universe.
- Similar UFOs appear over Japanese and U.S. cities.
- ‘The Cloud‘: Biblical-level plague of grasshoppers decimates crops in South America.
- Five of the most bizarre Jack the Ripper suspects.
- ‘Dead’ German woman wakes up screaming in refrigerated room at Berlin morgue.
- Image of the Day: Pac Man is in a bad place these days.
Quote of the Day:
Science is but an image of the truth.
Francis Bacon