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News Briefs 20-02-2015

“In that book which is my memory…”

Quote of the Day:

“I saw within Its depth how It conceives all things in a single volume bound by Love, of which the universe is the scattered leaves.”

Dante Alighieri

  1. Alien Agenda XIX
    Opening of the article: “Some Secret Space War Contractors and Secret Agencies have been infiltrated, mind-kontrolled and hijacked by Alien ETs who are deploying an incredibly Evil Agenda which includes the use of high powered Psychotronics to mind-kontrol the masses, Terra-forming to prepare the Earth for Alien Settlements, followed by a planned near total extermination of humans. All Americans must learn the truth and withdraw consent by taking back our USG from the Organized Crime Cabal which has been hijacked by Evil Alien ETs and is doing its “Dirty Work.”

    It’s not the aliens among us, it’s the insane among us.

    1. Alien Agenda XXX
      I wasn’t going to comment on it … but, since you did …

      The use of Roman numerals is a nice touch.

      I don’t think aliens need to trade tech for test subjects. They seem to be capable of abducting whomever they wish.

      I’m actually surprised there aren’t more sites like that one. The countless trillions that have been spent on black programs should warrant more attention and speculation. And the truth of these programs is likely to be stranger than fiction.

    2. well…….
      “Veterans Today” is a known haunt for wannabes, posers, lunatics and the worst of the conspiracy nutters. If you are visiting their site, it’s best for you to delete any bookmarks/cookies you have, then wash your hands well, pour yourself a glass of whiskey, and go sit quietly somewhere until you feel human again. Maybe put on some nice music, light some incense, etc.

      I once thought that the “people” behind the site were comic genius for the stuff they come up with, but have since become convinced they are certifiably insane.

      But if you read any articles or comments by anyone there claiming they were a veteran, an intel operative, worked in “black ops” or psychic spy stuff, you can bet your house they are lying through their teeth.

    1. Cope-ing with it
      It depends on the animal, but when it comes to metabolics, animals that have really high rates like mice and hummingbirds need to keep eating or they will drop dead, thus they are tiny. Meanwhile a snake as big as a Burmese python can go for a week without eating or longer. It was an odd line I agree and not entirely correct. If larger animals such as humans had the metabolic rate of a mouse we would have no obesity, but never progress past constantly eating. It depends on what you compare it to. Also this line:

      “It’s easier to eat other animals if you’re large…” said Noel Heim.

      Define large, Mr. Heim. Elephants are large and eat vegetation, as did the largest dinosaurs that ever walked on land, the sauropods. Humans are on average smaller than cows yet we eat them. The whales, as summarized here, could eat something as big as a shark with every meal with their big mouths, but instead eat several tiny animals all at once.

      I think I understand what Heim is getting at, but the way he phrases things makes no sense when discussing the animal kingdom.

      1. Small high-metabolism animals
        “It depends on the animal, but when it comes to metabolics, animals that have really high rates like mice and hummingbirds need to keep eating or they will drop dead, thus they are tiny.”

        I think it is more that the hummingbirds, for instance, are tiny because their ancestors “chose” flower feeding while hovering as a lifestyle, and that choice entailed a lot of other necessary physiological and behavioral changes. These are multiple engineering tradeoffs. Hovering requires a very high rate of energy expenditure per ounce of body weight which in turn entails small size, very high heart rate and metabolism, and continuous eating much of the time.

        I agree that Heim doesn’t seem to make sense when he tries to analyze the underlying dynamics of size and lifestyle in the animal kingdom.

  2. Alien Agenda XIX
    Wow ok…. There was a lot of material here. I actually stopped and watched each video and read every word. As someone who has been an amateur ufologist for several years, this was drivel even to me.

    The main parts that lost me were the connection of aliens to just about any other conspiracy theory that humankind has come up with over the last several years (climate change, satan, secret black space wars, etc.) About the only thing that was missing in this article was some sort of connection to the Free Masons and the FEMA death camps, which would have completely nullified any true points completely in this article.

    Items that seem plausible (and have for several years):
    – Roswell incident
    – Russian UFO video
    – Major world governments know about ETs
    – Defense contractors use a disinformation act to protect their intellectual property
    – Possibility of being visited by ET for hundreds and thousands of years (Thanks Giorgio!)
    – Possible existence of several ET races
    – Possibility of other dimensions
    – BlackOps and DoD contractors hide things from the public and governmental officials

    Items that do not seem plausible:
    – Connections between aliens and climate change (seriously, why?)
    – Major world governments are hiding ETs for some sort of world takeover/one government/Bilderbergs
    – Majestic 12 – I believe that this was proven as fabricated information by the intelligence community to
    protect US Black Ops (questionable sources not cited)
    – Existence of Satan – Does not seem plausible, as this would violate my rule #2 of Atheism
    (1 – There is no god)
    (2 – If there is no god, there is no opposing evil force)
    This also violates our common scientific knowledge of how we believe in evolution as well
    – All of these strung together conspiracy theories and the implied connections with ET
    – Secret space wars – We do not possess the intestinal fortitude to even return to the moon let
    alone waging a secret space war with advanced civilizations that are capable of inter-
    dimensional travel or traveling 100’s and 1000’s of light years to reach Earth
    – Alien mind control – Even though this one is completely off the charts I will address with some
    very basic, logical questions “If ET is so advanced to visit us, why would they need to control
    our minds?” Wouldn’t it be easier to just kill us all and take our resources or eat us?
    – Interbreeding of ‘Dracos’ and humans – Sharknado had a more believable plot than this
    – BlackOps and DoD contractors are running the world – Really?

    The items that fall in the plausible list at least have some sort of valid and logical arguments to support the plausability. However the other remaining items in this article are better suited for something a la SyFy channel and more importantly not on a website that is called ‘Veterans Today’.

    1. Conspiracy Site Profiling
      Yes, the site takes a carpet bombing approach. It even comes across as disingenuous – like a deliberately bad presentation that makes anyone who questions authority or the party line look like a lunatic.

      And I agree that “Vets Today” doesn’t quite fit the profile either. Have you ever seen the bumper stickers in a VA clinic parking lot?

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