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News Briefs 25-09-2014

1 week from today I’ll return to the Paradigm Symposium for the 3rd time, in what will surely be another epic event. Hope to see you there!
(I’m also planning on taking a bit of a time-off in October, so you kids better behave)

Quote of the Day:

“Those of a materialist persuasion like to say, “Oh you people who believe in reincarnation, you believe in life after death, you’re just doing that because you find it comforting. It comforts you to imagine that life might go on.” To that, I would reply, “What utter nonsense.” It’s not comforting at all. On the contrary, it’s more comforting to imagine that there are no consequences. The materialist view is actually the comforting one! The view of reincarnation and the notion you must account for the life you’ve lived, and that there will be consequences for it, is a deeply disturbing notion, as a matter of fact. And it requires you to examine the life you lived very, very closely and very, very carefully. So I think there’s a lot of nonsense talked around this subject. And I try in my work to shed some alternative light on it.”

~Graham Hancock

  1. Regrettable.
    I would really like to think that this page has a higher level of intellect, and enough awareness to know that the use of the word “retard” as a pejorative isn’t really “on” in a public setting. I am very sorry that you feel that it is appropriate.

    1. Political Correctness

      Hey templepriest,

      You know, as someone who doesn't actually live in the United States or the UK, and can watch the obsession with political correctness that has taken hold on the public discourse in those countries, I'm really pondering how to respond to your observation.

      On the one hand, I agree with you that to call a mentally-disabled individual 'retarded' is entirely not appropriate under any circumstance. But on the other hand, in this case the choice of the 'R-word' when referring to a person —who doesn't suffer from Down Syndrome or cerebral palsy— on my part was due to the fact that; a) it went with the pun; and b) this woman, who (allegedly) had a cosmetic procedure to implant a 3rd breast so she could become a celebrity, is IMO an idiot.

      I think condemning the use of some words on some occasions is adequate; but attempting to remove those words from the common language, under the false Orwellian pretense that prejudice will disappear along with them, is not only naive but severely misguided.

      If we follow that path, sooner or later SOMEONE somewhere will feel offended for the word 'yeah' instead of 'yes.' And we'll have to use our phones to understand which is the 'F-1' word in relation to the 'F-2' and all the other 'F-terms' one cannot use anymore –but needs to know anyway in order to understand what the other person is implying…




      But, you make a fair point that TDG is a public forum. As such, I will bregrudgingly (partially) abide by your suggestion.



      1. I’ll tell you what I think is retarded
        I believe the best definition for the word “retard” is to delay or slow down. I also think using “retarded” to describe a mentally handicapped person is legitimate also. However, when used as an insult in a derogatory manner, I believe the word “retard” is very inappropriate and should be more carefully thought upon. Instead let use use the word idiot! Especially when describing the thought police. Who Bully everyone of us, into going along, changing the names of definitions, rebranding so to say. It was OK to say retarded till about the last 15 years In fact it was OK to say a lot of things till 911. Now we all seem to be frightened, puckered up, and retarded by trolling thought police products of public education, and TV propaganda. Fear is the mind killer, Red Pill.

        1. Self-censorship
          I do find myself self-censoring me more often than I’d like to. I think we all became more self-conscious about the things we say & share online, after the Snowden revelations –and yeah, perhaps that was part of the plan at some point.

          Chris Ryan, a man I’ve learned to respect a lot in the past year, has come up with a very interesting notion with regards to Political Correctness. He compares it with the ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’ which posits that under-exposure to bacteria and contaminants conduces to deficiencies in the immune system; allergies are basically the result of our body overreacting to things for which it hasn’t had a previous exposure. A very reasonable argument IMO.

          Translating that idea into the cultural realm, we could therefore conclude that an overuse of Political Correctness could end up weakening our society. We should be mindful of that outcome.

          That said, TDG prides itself for being a forum in which ideas can be shared, expressed and contested in an environment that invites cordiality instead of open confrontation. Saying things with the deliberate intent to offend is not conducive to that environment.

          Templerscribe felt my use of a certain word was out of line, and I do respect his opinion. Mocking the woman in the article was not particularly commendable on my part, regardless of my choice of words.

          PS: I second LastLoup in welcoming you to The Grail, Blood and Chocolate. You sure picked quite the Mayan monicker, didn’t you? 😉

    2. re: Regrettable.
      Sometimes I think this political correctness does get out of hand. Like last week the article that was posted here about how Lovecraft was racist, so the wanted to change the award bust given to Sci-Fi writers to an African-American writer. I mean I get it but Mark Twain was racist and we let our kids read him in school. I didn’t even see the word until you brought it up. You can’t stop people from saying it in the privacy of their own home…or in the car when some jackass cuts you off.

      *senses a glare from Wanda Sykes*

      Templepriest – I advise you, since you get offended by this, to just stay clear of the internet in general. There are a lot of people who use the R-word and the F-word (I don’t mean fuck) and are not directing it toward those particular groups. It doesn’t necessarily make it right, but we can’t stop it from happening. In fact it seems to attract people to troll and say it more.

      RPG – I agree with you, but I’m also glad you changed it since this is a public site. That cartoon is right though, a few months back I remember hearing about a young girl who got suspended from class for telling someone “God Bless You” after a kid sneezed. Schools are the worst for this. Teachers can’t even go to a child to help them off the floor if they trip without getting a lawsuit for molestation.

      1. Out of hand
        Wow. Would it have been Ok if that poor girl had said ‘Gesundheit’ instead?

        Yeah, Twain and the campaign to edit his books seems to me as ludicrous as the Disney company’s attempts to Photoshop every single image in which ole Walt is holding a *gasp* cigarette!

        But I don’t pretend to have the final say in the matter. Mine is just one opinion, and I’d like to remind TDG members that if you ever feel things have gone in an improper way with re. to a comment or a post, that you can always notify Greg via e-mail. Around here he’s the final arbiter, and his word is the law.

    1. Death Proof
      Yeah, some Tarantino movies really challenge my comfort zone when it comes to gratuitous gore.

      On the one hand, there’s a reason why some people SHOULD challenge us out of our comfort zone from time to time.

  2. I lost some brain cells today ._.
    Fighting Nazis….Like a Boss!!! or a Marvel super hero before it was a thing 😛

    Orgasms: I have heard of this before and what sucks even more than the pain has got to be that people will never understand how you feel and the pain you are suffering. Since it obviously has to do with something in his back, maybe something is pressing on his prostate OR maybe something is wrong with his chakras from the back injury. It sounds nuts but maybe acupuncture could help. Poor man.

    Anaconda: Now that I’ve seen both this and Minaj’s, I can safely say that both are disgusting and atrocious. Also this:

    3-boobs: Looks to me that this isn’t her first time under the knife…

    [quote=]”Well, I am crazy,” she told the “The News Junkie” show. “Crazy people don’t know they are crazy, so technically since I know I’m crazy I’m not crazy.”[/quote]

    …excuse me for a minute…*walks into street* *jumps in front of speeding car*

    My Red Pill of the Day:

    1. Tujunga Canyon Contact

      The “Tujunga Canyon Contact” book glowingly mentioned in the Owl post caught my fancy. Just bought a raggedy old hardback of it on Ebay. Pristine first edition hardbacks are going for $1,500.00 on Amazon, but there are plenty of other cheaper offerings there too of course.

      And here is another book by the same author:

      “How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction”

    2. Knowing you’re crazy

      “The difference between Dali and the crazy man is that Dali, is not, crazy!”.~Salvador Dalí

      I can’t even begin to express how much comfort that quote has given me over the years 😉

    3. Good Ole Mr. Gimp
      Hey, he’s just dressing like a super-hero! A very odd, disturbing & somewhat-perverted super-hero… but it’s the sentiment that counts, right? RIGHT?

  3. Three-breasted Florida woman
    Three boobs in the front doesn’t make sense. The third boob should be on her back…for dancing.

    “Ever since I’ve got my Back Boob men are always wanting to slow dance close with me” – Testimonial

      1. Where I grew up in Houston,TX
        Where I grew up in Houston,TX there was a daughter of a famous surgeon who had three breasts or rather 3 nipples – the middle breast did not have much protuberance as the story goes. It was removed by a cosmetic surgeon.

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