Your soundtrack for today’s news briefs is an echo from the past…
- Archaeologists uncover the world’s largest ancient stone block at Baalbek.
- The enigma of the Roman dodecahedra.
- 23,000-year-old ‘Venus’ dug up in France.
- As mystical as Stonehenge – Siberia’s eerie Whale Bone Alley is ‘en vogue’ for Western tourists.
- Did ancient gold mining methods create REAL Golden Fleece?
- Finding long lost treasures in the remains of the 3 million shipwrecks that lie on the bottom of the world’s seas and oceans.
- DNA survives rocket trip into space and back.
- 40 years ago, Earth beamed its first postcard to the stars.
- The break-off effect: the mysterious mental side effects of traveling into space.
- Newspaper headline from 1803 reports anomalous meteor shower.
- Were mysterious bangs heard around the world caused by U.S. stealth jet?
- Is science true, or is it…fiction?
- 21st century exorcisms: examining the psychology of possession.
- Through time and space: the evidence for remote viewing.
- The start-up that lets you communicate from beyond the grave.
- Using ‘shrooms to treat depression.
- How dark matter may have created all life.
- Video of the Day: Wanderers – A vision of humanity’s expansion into the Solar System.
Thanks David.
Quote of the Day:
We protect our money behind safes, we protect our security behind the Pentagon, behind giant walls. But we allow any kind of idea through our skulls.
Grant Morrison