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News Briefs 03-12-2014

If only.

  • The chilling sound of the Aztec death whistle.
  • Big bangs shake Britain.
  • 10 million years ago, our ancestors came down from the trees, to get drunk.
  • The forgotten brains.
  • Journalist obtains new footage of Phoenix lights showing military encounter with unknown aircraft.
  • Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind. One presumes it’s Hawking talking…
  • Stephen Hawking’s new speech system is free and open-source. Will the real Hawking please stand up.
  • Meanwhile, robots can still act stupid. (h/t Boing Boing)
  • Nick Pope asks what alien life is worth.
  • NASA plans journey to Mars.
  • Or have they already been! Surely this ‘statue’ on Mars should be called BaROCK Obama. Daily Mail losing its touch?
  • Britain’s ley line network due for radical upgrade.
  • Anglo-Saxon carving turns up in rockery rubble.
  • Transcending boundaries: identity and oppression within psychedelic culture. (h/t to
  • Researchers turn back clock on Antikythera Mechanism.
  • Scientists claim the Golden Ratio unifies science.
  • No resurrection for mummy daddy.
  • Unused lunar barfbags left on moon. Someone should tell this guy.

Quote of the Day:

Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.

Roald Dahl

  1. The Phoenix Lights footage is highly suspect
    Did some digging on this one. KWBV News isn’t an actual news station in Phoenix. It has a website, but that seems to mostly serve as front-end for whatever this David Collins person posts. Given that he’s lied about being affiliated with an actual news organization as a “freelance journalist”, I’m not confident he’s being honest about anything else he’s posted.

  2. News
    If Only:*Sigh* why wunderground? why get my hopes up that Dawkins would ever use drugs?

    Hawking/Open source: Soooo……Wikipedia?

    Puke bags: Correction: they lied! and if you click the link you will see that.

    Barock on the moon: NO…Morgan Freeman…because he is almighty!

    Ley lines: When I read the title, I had a vision of a pigeon complaining about potholes 😛

  3. Hawking, AI and the End Game
    It is disturbing that we have arrived at a day when some quarters see a form of AI as being a step-up for the human race. To even consider that some kind of artificial intelligence could improve our lot and direction, is simply shocking.

    Was humanity born (and/or borne) upon this planet to just burrow its way out prematurely by way of some electronic, digital think-machine?

    In a nutshell… if we created it, what we get back is going to be ‘US’ and knowing ourselves as we do… or should, falling down before such would be our most foolish… and last act.

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