- Idaho scientist Jeffrey Meldrum seeks to launch aerial Bigfoot search with blimp.
- Astronomers read the shadows of the Universe’s earliest stars. Their guide? All the light from all the stars that have ever shone.
- You need just the right amount of killer asteroids to promote complex life.
- Curiosity rover gulps Mars air, finds hint of vanished atmosphere.
- Super-fast space travel would kill you in minutes.
- Egyptian princess’s tomb found.
- Rare skeleton of ‘vampire’ discovered in Britain.
- Scientists find we can’t empathise and analyse at the same time.
- How do you raise a prodigy?
- Seeing things? Hearing things? Many of us do.
- UFO sightings spook Indian soldiers in the India/Tibet border.
- ‘Creepy Cameraman’ pushes limits of public surveillance — a glimpse of the future? (embedded video NSFW)
- A, O, B or AB: Can blood type really determine your personality?
Thanks, Red Pill Junkie.
Quote of the Day:
I’m struggling to start reading a book because it doesn’t feel “live” enough compared to radio and Twitter. This is wrong.
Science reporter Ben Goldacre, in a tweet here.