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News Briefs 20-09-2010

In the words of the immortal Tone Loc…let’s do it:

Quote of the Day:

We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.

Richard Dawkins

  1. Interspecies Baptisms
    “Pope’s astronomer says he would baptise an alien if it asked him. An alien – ‘no matter how many tentacles it has’ – could have a soul, says pope’s astronomer”

    What if they were coming here to baptize us?

  2. Galaxy Being
    Back in the early ’60s, the very first episode of The Outer Limits was a story called ‘Galaxy Being’.

    It centered around a radio station owner (Cliff Robertson – station KXKVI, if memory serves) who tries an early version of SETI and accidentally pipes in this glowing critter from Andromeda. But… prior to that, there was some real-time conversation with the alien, despite the distance and it centered around God.

    Quite a good show, too, even today, in spite of the technical mishaps and those vacuum tubes… with a moral center that stands the test of time.

  3. target selection
    Yes target selection by robotic aircraft is going to be a problem, especially if they then actually hit the target.

    Target selection by soldiers is a little better, but when they are commanded by irresponsible generals who don’t agree with your politics, you still have a problem.

    However when the people at that conference get their way, target selection will be done all properly by lawyers and bureaucrats. After you get killed on orders of those types, you can relax in the knowledge that it was all done by the book.

  4. The balls of the bull

    We are budgeting the creatures and met with Spectral Motion and ILM, where Dennis Muren told me the sweetest words ever when he said, no one has ever seen monsters like this. That was truly one of the highlights of my fat life, a demigod like Muren saying that.

    Orale! It seems that I was wrong in doubting the quick completion of this project. Maybe we’ll yet get to see Madness before 201… OMG! it’s all connected!! Cthulhu will rise… from a theater near you! @_@

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