Bicentennial Blah…
- Seven deep mysteries of history —the 8th is why they chose only 7.
- Researchers build artificial ovary. Those sexbots are taking up forever, man!
- Man’s best battery: dog poop powers park lights.
- “I pet my dog, therefore I am“
- Ligers, zorses, wholphins, humanzees…Hybrids may thrive where parents fear to tread.
- Mexican ceremony forces fish to evolve or die —just the fish?
- Ancient Mayan water conservation techniques —everyone caught wasting water gets sacrificed?
- Wheres with the Gizah caves “discovered” by the MILF chasing Zahi? (MILF: Mummies I’d Like to Find)
- 2600-year-old burial chamber discovered on Luxor’s west bank —sorry, no bats this time.
- Canadian scientists are being kept on a tight leash.
- Arcimboldo’s paintings to be exhibited at the National Gallery of Art —because Gringos need to eat more veggies. [More Arci].
- Contactee Ida Kannenberg has moved on to the next plane —Regan Lee adds more about Ida.
- A Beautiful Lie, by Dan Mitchell. [Edit: try reading this first]
- South Korea’s Coffin Academy: where people face death to enhance life —better than the Tyler Durden method I guess?
- The man with the biggest stones… on balance.
- Let your kid play with Bigfoot —um, that didn’t come out right…
Thanks Kat, Rick, Greg & jnsaisq
Quote of the Day:
“I do not study to know more, but to disregard less.”