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News Briefs 14-05-2007

Ramen noodles, food of the Gods.

Thanks Greg.

Quote of the Day:

“According to World Bank estimates, $54 billion a year would eliminate
starvation and malnutrition globally by 2015, while $30 billion would
provide a year of primary education for every child on earth. At the
upper range of those estimates, the $456 billion cost of the war could
have fed and educated the world’s poor for five and a half years.”

  1. Ending Hunger

    As far as enfing world hunger, the report(s) by the World Bank & the United Nations ought to peg the BS meter all the way into the red.

    The problem is not money. It has never been about money. The problem is also not about food production. The problem is also not with transporting large volumes of foodstuffs. The problem is with local delivery.

    Dean Esmay ran an excellent piece some time back about this very subject. It may be found here

    I think that Dean has it pretty well nailed.


    1. Money makes the world go round
      Ah, you’re missing the point Gwedd. You need money to build schools and hospitals. You need money to pay the teachers and doctors and keep the schools and hospitals well staffed and trained. You need money to build wells and clean water sources. You need money to set up business initiatives that employ locals. That’s where Bushco’s $456 billion war budget should be spent. That’s what ends extreme poverty and hunger.

    2. You and Comrade Stalin
      So you have just agreed that 500 billion dollars is better spent on killing not trying to feed people. As if 500 billion dollars would not help. Bombs are friendly and warm and don’t cause famine and disruption of liberty and life. Gwedd that is evil. How can you defend that? That sick, really , really sick!

      But I don’t think you’ll even reply,or have a discussion about this, you like to hit and run! As you alway do.

      1. Money and poverty
        Hi Bladerunner.

        I don’t believe that money is the fix it all solution.

        Money is an energy that exerts huge amounts of magnetism over humanity because of what that energy can afford. On the other hand, you can’t buy consciousness, you can’t buy a karmic debt.

        There is no real political will to fix these problems, including in those countries where these situations are the most dire because that would entail giving some power away. Bringing people to escape a situation that forces them to be slaves and cannon fodders means you let go of some of your ability to dominate.

        These world problems will not be fixed by money because there is no psychological solution to this civilization.

        1. I agree Richard. As Bono
          I agree Richard. As Bono says, we have the money, we have the drugs, but what we lack is the willpower.

          The sad thing is, Gwedd, Anonymous and others are missing the point of the article completely. It’s not just talking about Africa, but America and other first-world nations (Australia, UK etc) who are spending big on the war in Iraq instead of education and health. Take this for example:

          2,949 Newton North High Schools
          Tagged as the most expensive high school in Massachusetts, at $154.6 million, Newton North High School could be replicated almost 3,000 times using the money spent on the war.

          Another example, $456 billion translates into 14.5 million people getting a year of education at Harvard.

          Pretty clear that money does count, and not even Anonymous will agree that America is spending what it should be on domestic health and education. The whole point of the Quote of the Day, and the article it comes from, is to highlight the absurdity of spending $456 billion on killing people. Which is why I referred to the U2 song, because most Americans and the rest of the world are under the table, waiting for crumbs from that $456 billion feast of gluttony to fall to the floor.

          Gwedd, Anonymous, everyone, please read’s Cost of War again, then come back and tell me $456 billion spent on the war in Iraq is justified.

          1. Kaffirs like me…

            We either spend it on the war trying to kill off the Islamists, or we end up spending a hundred times that when they follow us home.

            This is a GLOBAL war by Islamists against civilization. Pure and simple. No amount of Multi-cultural spin will change that fact of life.

            The stated aim of these Islamofacists is to establish a world-wide caliphate with Sharia as the sole law. I’m not up for that, and neither should anyone else who posts here.

            Iraq is only one theatre of operations in this war. It stretches from Bali to the Phillipines to Venezuela to Chechnya. It is a web of evil that seeks to destroy all western civilization (and pretty much all other civilization as well) and turn humanity’s clock back to the dark ages.

            So maybe the better question is: What price is civilization worth to you?

            Maybe you’d rather go “green” instead?



          2. And also…
            I had at one time thought about subscribing to the Globe. I figured it might be useful for wrapping up the garbage and lining the litter box. Then I realised how redundant that would be.

            The Globe is just the NYT’s lite. Owned by the same folks. and the Times? Nothing but anti-American garbage and leftist drivel. A once proud grey lady now reduced to a decrepit shrieking hag, bleeding readers and money, with vultures, thankfully, hovering nearby.

            What a waste of trees both those publications are.


          3. Quote:
            The whole point of

            [quote]The whole point of the Quote of the Day, and the article it comes from, is to highlight the absurdity of spending $456 billion on killing people.[/quote]

            Couching your argument within ridiculous rhetoric does not add any credibility to your point. And you undermine your point further when you, correctly, point out the absurd amount of money we spend on our public school system which, by all measures, is a disaster. Money alone fixes nothing. But in does empower the politicians who collect and allocate it.

          4. Quote:Gwedd, Anonymous,
            [quote]Gwedd, Anonymous, everyone, please read’s Cost of War again, then come back and tell me $456 billion spent on the war in Iraq is justified.[/quote]

            So at what dollar figure was it that we passed when you decided the cost of another 9/11 was better than what we are spending on this war? There are those that are activity triying to destroy, not just America, but all of the West. The dollar amount for preventing that is irrelevent. Unless you are using it for politcial purposes, of course.

          5. So you really think its ok to kill over 600,000
            People/Humans and we’re solving the problem. Insanity.

        2. money
          >>Money is an energy that exerts huge amounts of magnetism over humanity because of what that energy can afford.

          Money is the concretized heart energy of humanity, which, due to our unnaturally stimulated levels of desire, is currently being diverted through humanity’s solar plexus instead of being wielded through our heart center.

          I don’t expect everyone to understand this, but I’m pretty sure Richard, among others, will.


    3. Correct
      You are correct sir. Emotional knee-jerking aside, no amount of money would end poverty. We’ve spend trillions in America alone to “end” poverty and today it is pretty much at the same levels it was 40 years ago. The U.S. defense budget is not where the bulk of the treasury goes. If these people were sincere, they’d take the money from the truly useless parts of the government – the parts not mentioned in the Constitution – for their little emotion-driven attempts at social engineering. As usual, the lefty whiners don’t care nearly as much amount food or education as they do about their own politics.

      1. Politics
        [quote]As usual, the lefty whiners don’t care nearly as much amount food or education as they do about their own politics.[/quote]

        Aren’t all political parties thus geared?

        1. In a general, and highly
          In a general, and highly cynical, sense…yes. By definition, a political party must first maintain its power and viability if it to pursue its political goals.

          That being said, there are substantial differences in the two major American political parties. Take education for example. The Democrats believe in total control over education. By making public (government) schools the only viable option, and dumping ungodly amounts of money into that system for the purposes of consolidating political power and control, rather than producing solid education outcomes, they are empowering themselves. By controlling the apparatus and purse, they make themselves indispensable and omnipotent. The Republican party, on the other hand, would de-centralize power by giving more control to parents, local school districts and private educational institutions. There is no overt power grab in that scenario for the GOP, other than grass roots support at the ballot box. Oh, and better educated children.

      2. Right-Wing Lying Whiners
        How about Cold-Blooded Money Grubing Right-Wing Evil Bastards. The US defense budget does get the lions share of our tax dollars, its just not included in the regular budget. Don’t lie, and sir don’t blame your messes on my ideals. The Republicans were in power for 10+ years in congress. And jezz what a wonderful job you’ve all done. Tell me about all the great things the Republicans have done for our country and the world?

        1. Bladerunner,


          Yeah, Pelosi & Ried have sure done a good job with that “Cleaning up the culture of corruption” act they played the voters with last election.

          Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, eh?

          The only truly good thing about having Democrats in power is that the rest of the country can finally see how really incompetant they are, individually and especially collectively.


          I would love to post more, but you are not interested in debate. You are only interested in playing “gotcha” commenting, playing hard and loose with facts, and especially ignoring facts that get in the way of your adolescent leftist diatribes.

          You are making conclusions about me based upon what? What exactly did I post above that leads you to think I am some warmongering elitist? You are simply interjecting the normal leftist talking points into a discussion about hunger. It’s so sadly typical of you. No matter the subject, you will eventually find a way to blame President Bush and/or Republicans. It’s tiring, and, frankly, a waste of my time to respond.

          Comments like “Bushco” only reenforce the impression that you are unable to assimilate into the adult world. Try going out into your front yard and shouting truth to power. Maybe the fresh air will help clear your head.


          1. Poll
            Recent polls show that the Deomocrat Congress’ approval rating are in the low 30’s. Funny how low approval ratings are used to argue against Bush policies but seem to be irrelevant when it comes to Democrats. Huh.

          2. Bushco?
            Never said Bushco. You need to clear your head. I can tell you listen to Faux News and Dimbug.

        2. Emotion
          [quote]The US defense budget does get the lions share of our tax dollars, its just not included in the regular budget.[/quote]

          Yeah….see, that’s factually inaccurate on both counts. But who cares about facts when you’re emotion driven, right?


          Both Health & Human Services and the Social Security Administration have larger budgets than the Defense Department. Combined, they dwarf the DOD. All the other budgets combined are larger that the Defense Department’s budget. The Defense Department’s budget is in the Federal Goverment’s budget, as a simple Google search will show you. Providing for the Common Defense is a funtion of the Federal Government, as it clearly states in the Constitution.

          You may now continue your rant.

          1. We’re not getting to the problem
            This is a debate of extreme sides and no one seems to be taking a middle ground. I’ll have a go.
            Are we facing a war on terror within Islam trying to take over the world? No. We’re facing a death cult of mainly middleclass Islamic terrorists who must be fought at every turn. Absolutely right. But prior to the invasion, what had this to do with Iraq?
            Al Qaeda is different to other Islamic terrorists because it is principally middleclass – in other words people who have thought it out ideologically rather than fighting for fredom, fairness, etc.
            The problem here is the concept of middleclass was actually exported to the world by the west. It is a case of our own social model coming back to get us.
            Which brings me to world poverty. Tell me this, did all those people starve before the west began interfering? Of course not, or they would have been wiped out. It was imposing the western social model that caused the problem.
            Should we throw money at them to sort the problem? Yes and no. We should attempt to stabilise their countries and then ask them what they want IN REGARD TO THEIR CULTURE. When they tell us, then we throw money at them. Of course, this isn’t saying that money should stop until then. Simply that it will be inefficient until then.
            How to stop all this rubbish we’re facing? I’ve long held the opinion that major western political parties are becoming single ideology, with variations a point of management rather than policy. This stilts debate and thus leads to apathy in an elecorate. What I would want to see is a number of non-political, voluntary organisations for a single purpose – to assist independents into parliaments. If enough could be elected, political parties would lose their monopoly, and as such proper debate would begin again, and in order to keep independents on side, policies would have to become more sensible and less ideological.
            We may then see a glimmer of a world where western interference is for the good rather than the pursuit of power and wealth.

            Morality takes two. One to do and one to judge.

            Anthony North

          2. Quote:
            Are we facing a war

            [quote]Are we facing a war on terror within Islam trying to take over the world? No.[/quote]

            Actually, the Islamists have stated that that is their ultimate goal. And to achieve that goal, the West must be conquered.

            [quote]It is a case of our own social model coming back to get us. It was imposing the western social model that caused the problem.

            This concept that we are essentially to blame for being attacked by Islamic terrorists is hardly “middle ground”. It’s an idea that is firmly rooted in the loony Left. We are not the problem. It is Marxism, totalitarianism, fascism, brutal dictators and radical Islam. And in my opinion, it’s left-leaning political ideologues who, at the very least, make it easier for these to exist and, at the most, provide aid and comfort.

            [quote]We should attempt to stabilise their countries and then ask them what they want IN REGARD TO THEIR CULTURE. When they tell us, then we throw money at them.[/quote]

            With all due respect, thank God you’re not in charge.

          3. Clarification
            Which Islamists are you talking about? Sounds like you’re tarring everyone with the same brush. I suggest you learn about Islamic people.
            Before western influence, there was no middleclass as is appreciated today. This is not loony left, extreme right, or anything else. It is a statement that is true or false. Which is it, or don’t you want to answer?
            What is wrong with asking people what they want rather than what we decide to impose? Don’t worry, I wouldn’t want to be in charge. That’s the problem, too many people want to be.
            Yes, I am taking a middle ground. It is just a shame that so many people have been brought up in such a polarised world that they cannot hear a middle concept without forcing or manipulating it left or right.
            With due respect, and all.

            Anthony North

          4. Quote:Which Islamists are
            [quote]Which Islamists are you talking about?[/quote]

            That would be the ones who are on a Jihad, militarily and/or politically, to impose Islam on the world and who like to blow up children on buses, take hostages and cut their heads off and threaten to wipe entire nations off the face of the Earth while at the same time pursuing nuclear weapons. They are the same ones who wouldn’t hesitate to kill you and your entire family. They are a minority of the Islamic world, but still number in the millions, and have the active or passive support of millions more. Those Islamists. Have you not been paying attention for the last few decades?

            [quote]Before western influence, there was no middleclass as is appreciated today.[/quote]

            That’s true. For the most part, human societies has been run by a few privileged despots ruling as dictators over the masses of poor. Thank God for the United States, and later European and other nations, that came along to show that was a better way. A large and politically powerful middle class is the end result of free and prosperous nations and forms of government. But it cannot be gifted – it must be earned by the people, with a will to govern themselves and to be responsible for their own freedom and prosperity. It should be what all nations aspire to. Give a man a fish and all he’ll do is ask you for another one tomorrow. You will not have empowered him, but enslaved him.

            There’s your answer. Though your point is still a mystery.

          5. Quite right, but …
            You’re quite right to a point. First of all, I think you’ll find that middle class evolved, as a form, before the United States even existed. Second, the middleclass as it has evolved today took hundreds of years, bringing with it democracy, etc.
            Middleclass has come to Islam, Third World, etc, quickly, and without the social evolution involved in the west. Hence, middleclass aspirations of wealth and power exist, but not the philanthropic elements. That, for instance, is why democracy will fail in Iraq.
            These Islamists who wouldn’t hesitate to kill my family. I would die to protect my family. I would know how to. I served many years in the Armed Forces. I have family in them still. And the possibility of me having to do so increase with crass, sensationalist, and frankly stupid, comments like yours.
            In any society the vast majority simply want to get on with life. There are no exceptions. But tensions increase with the degree of both sides. Maybe a degree of rationalism, rather than sabre-rattling, would be the order of the day.
            Yes, there are dangers from Islam, as I pointed out. Where these dangers exist, we should defend ourselves and root out the problem. Afghanistan, for instance, I totally supported. But the answer is to assist in separating the Jihadists from the bulk of the population. Not lump them all together and drive the moderates to the Jihadists.

            Debate is not to win an argument, but to lay the issues before an audience.

            Anthony North

          6. Yes, examples of middle
            Yes, examples of middle class societies can be found in a few ancient societies, but I didn’t think we were going for an ancient history lesson here. After all, you started this irrelevent detour on the middle class with this statement:

            “The problem here is the concept of middleclass was actually exported to the world by the west.”

            And anyone whose grand solution centers around the idea of dumping money on countries/cultures that ask for it, has no business judgeing anyone else’s viewpoints as stupid. Redistribution of wealth empowers no one except for the elite who are in charge of the redistribution.

            News flash: You are neither middle-of-the-road nor moderate. You are a Leftist. Your views have more in common with Fidel Castro than with John F. Fennedy, Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton. The danger with that is that Leftist views actually do the opposite of what their snake oil salesmen say their goals and intentions are. They create poverty, hinder economic freedom and prosperity, limit civil liberties and give power to despots and ultra-powerful government.

            “Not lump them all together…”

            I did no such thing, if you care to read the defintion I wrote in response to request from you that I provide such a definition. Putting words in people’s mouth doesn’t win arguments either.

          7. What Rubbish
            Go to the history books, me thinks. The middleclass I was speaking of began with the Burghers who brought down Christendom, created the modern city, led the Renaissance, inspired the Reformation, created modern science, orchestrated the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the Bill of Rights of 1689, guaranteeing absolute monarchy could no longer exist; who forged the Age of Enlightenment, and who’s philosophies led to the United States.
            Who said anything about dumping money anywhere? I said stabilise those countries and then ask them what they want in terms of their culture – a totally different thing, taking other’s opinions into account instead of riding roughshod over them.
            As for me being a Leftist, this must fall uneasily in my belief of capitalism being a good system. I’ve even been in business twice. Yes, I have problems with globalisation – this is capitalism gone mad. But taking the middleground, I would say that, wouldn’t I?
            News Flash: You’re wrong.

            Anthony North

          8. Quote:Who said anything
            [quote]Who said anything about dumping money anywhere?[/quote]

            Uh, that would’ve been YOU:

            We should attempt to stabilise their countries and then ask them what they want IN REGARD TO THEIR CULTURE. When they tell us, then we throw money at them. Of course, this isn’t saying that money should stop until then. Simply that it will be inefficient until then.[/quote]

          9. Is this your saving grace?
            I think anyone who read that in a reasonable light would see that what I was saying is that once those countries can be stabilised, we should do everything we can to help them, WITHIN the confines of their own culture. And yes,
            THROW MONEY AT THEM, at last knowing that it will have an effect.
            Thus, throwing money at them is a term used only when it would be for true benefit, and not some Loony Leftist nonsense which you erroneously imply.
            I’m interested in debate, not scoring points.

            Anthony North

          10. The Money for Iraq is not included in the regular budget.
            And the United States spends more money on its military then all the other country’s of the world combined. You sir are repeating lies you have been told.

  2. Not their Money
    Wow so now Bono can tell the US what to do with its money? Excuse me but since when did it become the job of the United States to cloth and feed the rest of the world?
    You people can not have it both ways if you take our money then you get our rules. If you do not like the way we run things then get off your lazy colectivist butts and over throw your dictators yourselves. I am not referering to Saddam BTW! As to the money spent on US education or feeding the so called “poor” it ia a well established fact that we have the same problem as the foreign aid situation. Money is not the answer because we give the money but it goes to grease the palms of middle managers and red tape. You can give all the money you want to a school district and the ability of the kids will not change because the kids will never see the end result of the spent money! There is little difference between the School board members and African warlords!
    School Choice Now! should be the cry of anyone really interested in the welfare of US school children. And for anyone really interested in the welfare of thirdworld children the cry should be SEMPER FI! Where do we park our Abrams tanks?

  3. It’s alternately amusing,
    It’s alternately amusing, sad, and enlightening to watch people attempt to justify their dogma, especially when they feel it is threatened…

    Kind regards,
    You monkeys only think you’re running things

    1. Seek The Truth
      What I find amusing is watching people spellbinded into repeating exactly what the mainstream media has programmed into them. A few quick facts people.

      1. There is no “Republican or Democrat parties”. The same people jerk the chains of both. They love giving you the illusion of democracy. Apart from a few individuals such as Rep. Ron Paul it doesn’t matter who is in power. It’s still the same shit everytime.

      2. The U.S “taxes” dont pay for the war. the Federal Reserve Does. (the Privately run, no-congressional oversight, counterfeiting Banks). How many of you knew that ALL income tax in the US goes towards paying just the “interest” on the loan the US has from the Fed. The FED is the biggest joke in world economics. Weren’t you yanks told there is supposed to be a gold backing for your currency? Oh thats right you did have a gold backing until 1913.

      3. Terrorism has been around since the birth of civilization. You are not going to defeat it. Its an idea. And as for the “islamists” coming to get you, think about this. If you had 600,000 of your family friends and countrymen killed by a foreign country with the track record of the US I imagine you wouldnt be exactly welcoming them with open arms. I’m sure the IRAQI’s are wondering where the WMD’s that were the pretext for the war are. Or maybe you are worried about Al-Qaeda, the Nazi trained, then British trained, then CIA trained group of fascists that attacked on 9/11. Or did they?

      4. If they were worried about terrorism and someone setting off a “mushroom cloud” in the US they would have shut the borders. Even in the wake of 9/11 this would have happened. What type of defense plan is sending all your troops over seas and leaving your borders open so any fool (and his millions of relations) can wander across.

      5. And in case you hadn’t heard 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB. Designed to fuel the loss of liberty (Patriot Act) and expansion of the global elites agenda. The stand down of NORAD, the fact the worlds most restricted airspace allowed a plane to hit they’re main defense post, jet fuel (kerosene) does not cause steel structured buildings to collapse. NO steel structured building has EVER collapsed from fire damage (except for the three on that day) Jeez what are the odds. and lets not forget World Trade Centre 7. How many of you even knew there was a third building that collapsed that day? Did the networks forget to add that to you “news” of the day?

      If you want to stop global warming, hunger, poverty, international wars and the rest of the problems that plague mankind then look at why these things keep happening. Does anyone in his right mind want a war. To see little kids with there legs and arms blown off? It’s very easy when you can ignore all this by switching the tv station (when they even bother to report) and go about your daily lives but think about the generations ahead.
      So when you boys and girls are ready to stop having temper tantrums about invented “world issues” ( and by that I mean what Rupert Murdoch and his cronies have decided to tell you is the activist movement of the week) and start looking at the big picture, feel free to take your head out of your asses and check out some more facts. Then MAYBE just MAYBE we can all work together to stop the global elite agenda. Try Google Video or You tube if you cant find a torrent.

      I recommend
      America: Freedom to Fascism (Federal Reserve)
      Loose Change (9/11)(3rd edition released soon)
      JFK II: The Bush Connection
      Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove

      Also or for the latest

      In saying all this I’d like to address Greg and any of the other admins on TDG. I love all the other news posts that you provide, BUT dont ignore the responsibility YOU have to supply the truth when addressing such a large audience. you know the Mainstream media is against the truth so help do something about it.

      Peace And Respect

      Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
      John 8:32

      1. Yes, what about the other news?
        As you suggested, go to InfoWars or PrisonPlanet (which in my opinion are just as biased and untrustworthy as Fox and CNN) if you want to read about the topics you listed. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of blogs and media providing alternative news sources (Newshogger is an excellent example). There’s simply no reason for TDG to join them at all. Besides, we have our hands full providing the public with news and information on archaeology, the paranormal, science and human consciousness. 😉

        1. The other News
          Great Rick,

          Good to see you have cast your lot with the global elite. Only assuming this because you have reviewed ALL the material I have listed haven’t you?. The point is that You guys are one of the main “alternative” sources of media for many people around the world. I found the site almost 10 years ago while researching Graham Hancocks work. I was a non-Believer in groups such as the Illuminati but after reviewing events such as 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination it is IMPOSSIBLE to refute that the “shadow” government are behind events such as this. So while Aussie troops are serving overseas in wars we did not create or endorse on a legitimate basis I throw down the gauntlet to YOU to do your patriotic duty and report WHATEVER is relevant to any reader in terms of the truth and what is really going on worldwide.
          Watch the videos I listed and join the dots, and if you can’t at least take the time to view the evidence then leave the TDG because you are obviously to self minded to give a damn about the world you are pissing away. IT IS THE DAILY GRAILS Responsibilty to pick up where the mainstream media has failed us(if not why does the site exist?), to report what is the truth and as for people such as ALEX JONES the last time I checked they weren’t owned and payed by a group of Billionares concerned with following the NWO agenda. Why don’t you look at why Alex Jones and followers are against FOX and CNN? There was a time when the media were the watchdogs of the government. This has changed with the globalization of media under people such as Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner. Address the points I raised before condemning them. The “hundreds if not thousands” of blogs aren’t the ones being read by all Daily Grailers. Are you trying to convince me you guys DON’T post on Bush and NWO agenda topics. BULLSHIT.

          All I’m asking is that you guys review the material I listed and make an intelligent and moral decision based on that information, that is your reason ( that means Greg, Kat, Jameske and you Rick). Wake up to the world we live in. You have the chance and the audience to make a difference so take the first step..

          Peace And Respect

          Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
          John 8:32

          1. I thought they already did
            Maybe I am missing something but I have noticed for a long time now that the news editors on TDG are getting political stuff out that never hits the main media.
            I think that Rick thinks as I do, that there are no honest men in politics, that you can only get out the rotten party that is in power so you can have a break before the new one begins to stink.


          2. Shadow I agree.
            If it wasn’t for TDG. Where would my political mindset be? Plus all the wonderful alternative history, culture, spirituality and the use of magical plants:) stuff. And we can discuss what we read and what we ourselves experience!

          3. Hrmmm
            Like I said, hundreds of blogs and alternative media sites such as Newshogger are doing it a million times better than I ever could, and they’re more informed about politics than I am. You’re hardly starved of alternative sources. The Neo-Cons won’t take over the world and enslave us all in their New World Order just because TDG only posts a few political conspiracy links a week.

            You’re obviously passionate about the subject, so why don’t you do something about it and create your own blog or website? Be proactive yourself, instead of demanding others do the work.

            In the meantime, I have my hands full keeping up to date with archaeology, paranormal, science and metaphysical news.



          4. conspiracies are open to refutation
            Havoc_Oz, are you saying that Greg, Kat, Jameske, RickMG et al have an obligation to post articles that support your perspective on world events (your perspective, as in the only truth, right?). You say that many of your theories of conspiracy are “IMPOSSIBLE (your caps) to refute.” Sorry, but there are sites offering refutations, for example. . That website offers research that counters many conspiracy claims – and therefore sounds like a website that would be quite alternative in respect to your views. This does not mean that I personally agree with all the refutations … nor does it mean I disagree with all claims of conspiracy. What I do mean is that just because you have a viewpoint and that the TDG staff aren’t scrambling over each other to jump on your bandwagon, this does not automatically equate to them having surrendered their souls to the global elite or been swallowed up by the fictitious “Beast of Brussels.” They might just have had something better to read at the time.

          5. Responsibility
            My point Anubis is that EVERYONE has a responsibility to ensure that the world doesn’t take the road of Germany Circa 1930’s. All I’m saying is that ANYONE in the media who has an established audience (which is why there is no point in me starting a webpage to fade into the background blur) has the responsibility to keep the people informed of what is going on. All I want is the admins to review the material listed (which I’m sure some have or we wouldn’t have seen the Jim Garrison vid the other week) and then make a decision whether they are deciding to be a fence sitter (which is all the bad guys as such want and are counting on)or whether they can just include relevant info along with there other regular posts. Im not asking them to change the complete format of TDG. In saying this I think that TDG video section is the best format for this. Is there any restriction on changing it more often or adding a few links to other vids? As as to my post to Rick earlier, you are right. I am passionate about this topic because what I am seeing is that people seem to take the freedoms they use every day for granted. I hope you all realise that under a police state especially a global police state with current and future technology, forums like this will be removed and even having conversations like this are going to get you thrown into the local gulag. So while you are exercising your rights to disagree with me just remember that those rights are finite and you have to do your part to maintain them.

            Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
            John 8:32

      2. Thank You Havac_Oz
        Very true stuff. I like to check the news on…

        And whats the point of blowing each other up? Why spend so much money on death? We need to celebrate life, and make it better for all of us not just a few. Not that I’m saying I don’t have everything I need and more. I watch less TV and volunteer more.

  4. UN is a joke
    Shouldn’t the UN, UNITED NATIONS, spend the 500 billion a year to feed the world hunger instead of raping women in third world countries?
    or instead of stealing from a pot of money use the money to feed the hunger?

    Instead they tell the US what to do, make up crazy claims about global warming, (, create fear amongst the world for no reason but to further the UN’s agenda.

    UN is a joke! Should be renamed to United Abominations!

    1. Love your name pragmatous
      The first comment appears as if you are happy to throw the baby out with the bath water.

      And the second…..the good(?) thing about global warming is that you aren’t going to have to wait too long to see for yourself.
      Parts of Australia are experiencing the hottest Autumn for 150 years.
      The Czech Republic (in the other hemisphere) did not have a winter cold enough for cherries and other fruits.


      1. Not too long at all
        The past year has officially been Melbourne’s driest on record, with still no rain in sight (it’s spitting right now, but the ground is too warm and most of it is evaporating). We also had a tornado the other day.

        1. hey Rick…..
          I was listening to the ABC this afternoon and a lady in Melbourne said they had 5mm all up.
          We have 3 months to get 270mm of rain just to reach the minimum ever recorded. Hmmmmmm, some how I don’t think it will happen. And we are 5 weeks over due for our first frost. The trees are all confused.

          “While contemplating on their life, anyone who says they have no regrets and would do it all the same again, have not learn’t anything.”

  5. According to World Bank estimates …
    According to the WorldGame estimates, one quarter of the world’s annual military expenditures would provide every human being on this planet with a standard of living to rival Western upper-middle-class: post-graduate education, comprehensive health care, optimal and enticing nutrition, total freedom from slavery and exploitation, unlimited private transportation, luxury housing with appliances, vacations and pensions, a real Rolex …

    That, of course, assumes they’d want to be middle class.

    but as Buckminster Fuller pointed out, to make a soldier in today’s tech-weapon world, you have to educate them in maths and science, and once you do that, those who survive your little war go home later and teach these new skills to their children, and the net by-product of a full century of the worst military extravaganzas in the history of our species has largely eradicated illiteracy.

    Bucky called this “First Class Evolution”, an example of how Nature succeeds despite the best attempts of the worst despots to counter her progress.

    So while it is tragic and wasteful, the real shocker stat you’ll get if you participate in a WorldGame simulation isn’t about how this staggering sum is spent on weaponry that could otherwise be spent on livingry and what might be done with just 25% of their total operational budgets.

    The real shocker, the one that draws the most gasps from the room is knowing how we could do the same wonderous reinvention of humanity with the proceeds of a simple global 3% tax on just the annual profits of the world’s insurance companies.

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