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News Briefs 12-06-2006

TDG News, brought to you by our new sponsor, the strangely named corporation ‘No Such Agency’…

Big thanks to Kat.

Quote of the Day:

If you want to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn’t seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white.

William James

  1. Greg,

    I dragged myself out of bed an hour ago to post today’s news, only to find you’ve just done it. Either I’m so sick and feverish I’m hallucinating, or I emailed yourself or Kat whimpering for help. I think the answer is both. I’m going back to bed now (slept 14 hours straight last night).

    Much much thanks,


  2. Bosnian pyramid ‘natural’
    [quote]”You’d be surprised how many natural stone formations can look as if they are man-made,” Harding said of the findings.[/quote]

    As many as you need dear Harding.

    1. Bosnian Pyramid and Anthony Harding
      I actually studied under Harding, and though my view of him is ambiguous at best, I have to say…the guy knows his stuff when it comes to prehistoric europe. If he thinks it’s natural then that’s good enough for me – for now. We need more info, more images, more experts more everything realy before we can say one way or t’other.

      Of course even if it turns out to be natural that doesn’t mean early man didn’t use it or alter it, building on it and into it. Harding doesn’t address that and he should do realy as he has excavated some pretty weird stuff himself – Velim in the Czech republic (ditch and rampart enclosure but BIG!)

      1. Blurring of facts
        Harding looked at photographs of the stone slabs excavated at Visocica, and never inspected them or the stone pavement personally, by his own admission (though I’ve noticed some media reports conveniently leave this out). Nor did he look at the tunnels. None of the Bosnia Pyramid Foundation staff even saw or met him at the site, according to director Mario Gerussi.

        Someone’s lying.

        1. Harding and good manners.
          The article mentions that Harding visited the hill and I must admit to finding it difficult to believe that he would lie about such a thing. However not informing the staff at the site would seem to be an extremely arrogant, not to mention rude, thing to do. Professional courtesy should be a given, wether one believes the claims of the “pyramid” or not. As to judging by photos, well this has to be accepted – alot of study these days has to take place at a distance and photos are one valid way of doing so.

          Could you tell me where you got your info – I have to say I’m dubious about the claims but would be interested to hear more from the other side of the argument.

  3. I like the new sponsor
    ” No such Agency”.
    Thanks Greg.

    I am still trying to come to grips with the report that the 3 suicides in Guantanamo Bay were PR jobs.
    This is what I mean about truth being stranger than fiction.
    Or in this case, it is fiction is stranger than the truth.
    I must remember next time I want to convince someone of something to run off and commit suicide.That’ll teach ’em.

    As far as Kalishnikov lamenting the proliferation of the rifle he invented, I do too.
    It’s a bit late to lament something like that after you have gone ahead with a project that is going to bring death and destruction.
    The sad thing about the Kalnishnikov is that there are more of these guns on the African continent than anywhere else on earth, and not a one of them is manufactured there.
    I wonder if the fellow in Brisbane who invented the computerised machine gun ever laments it’s proliferation.
    He said he wanted it out there to bring wars to a quicker end.
    That’s as funny as saying that the suicides in Gitmo were a PR job.


    This is what I mean about the world being a bizarre place.

  4. NSA and friends
    If the NSA, the CIA, the BND, the FSB, and similar organizations did not analyze what is publicly posted, now that would be surprising. It is their job, after all.

    1. Their job my Aunt Fanny!
      Their job is not to hassle private citizens in their daily lives.This website to me is like a bloke’s pub is to him.It is an extension of my home.I hang out here.I know a lot of the members.
      I would not invite those you mentioned earthling into my home and I am not inviting them into my place of recreation.
      Let them go and do their spying and boasting and advertising elsewhere.
      And while they are sticky-nosing into the rights of private citizens they are ignoring the real issues.
      How come for instance that so many people knew that 911 was going to happen but nothing was done by the above organisations to stop it?
      You’re coming from the wrong place on this one earthling.


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