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News Briefs 09-06-2004

I wonder what the Elephants are saying? Stop stamping on the ground, I can’t hear you? Post your thoughts.

  • The interplanetary day after tomorrow. #1. #2. #3.
  • Earth is much younger than scientists claim and dinosaurs co-existed with the first humans.
  • More and more on Atlantis in Spain.
  • Dinosaur’s secret is in small print.
  • Theory of early human migration patterns proposes the North.
  • Green sweat puzzles Chinese doctors.
  • Proof for the Riemann hypothesis?
  • Water woes, not wars, ended Angkor empire.
  • Elephants turn to seismic communication.
  • Origin of enigmatic galactic filaments revealed?
  • We weren’t made to multitask.
  • Eco glass cleans itself with Sun.
  • Black hole illuminates dust cloud.
  • Is Genghis Khan an Ancestor? Mr. DNA Knows.
  • 911: The Cleveland Airport mystery.
  • Congressman exposes vaccine fraud at the CDC. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Cattle polio fears threaten industry.
  • The thermochemical joy of cooking.
  • Step on the gas.
  • Rat DNA clue to sea migration.
  • Small world’s big achievement.
  • Sloppy stats shame science.
  • Sea change for first shells.
  • Bold motorists clear roads.
  • Signs of 8000 year old culture found near Bedford.

Quote of the Day:

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.


  1. The interplanetary day after tomorrow. #1. #2. #3.
    I wonder how many of you listened to Hoagland on Coast-to-Coast AM Monday night? He was at Coral Castle in Florida actually putting his money where his mouth is on the Hyperdimensional Physics stuff. He has constructed a tuning fork with drive oscillator and sound pickup.
    He recorded the vibrational frequency of the 360 Hz tuning fork with time on a chart recorder output(on his website). He claims that during the Venus transit the frequency of the tuning fork changed, implying a hyperdimensionally induced mass change in the tuning fork. The graph looks a little chaotic to me and it’s hard to tell what is going on, but I am considering my own design for a similar system. It is fairly simple do to. Any thoughts on this ?

    1. Hoagland and tuning forks
      No, I avoided RH at Coral Castle. The last time he was at CC he claimed to have solved the mystery of Ed Leedskalnin and Coral Castle. Three-hours later I realized that Hoagland had no more idea how those coral blocks were moved than I do. He wasted my entire evening. [Note: Please don’t anyone send me the links the Ed lifting blocks with a pulley or a block and tackle. They’re staged. That equipment couldn’t lift that much weight anymore than 100-lb Leedskalnin could.]

      That having been said, the tuning fork thing sounds interesting. What would be the point in building one if it only changes during a Venus transient? Is it supposed to happen during other solar events like an eclipse, for instance? Anomalous things to happen to gravity during an eclipse, such as Foucault Pendulum deviation.

      Please explain further. Oh yeah, why don’t you log-in, too. I am interested.


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