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Is This Physical Evidence Of Twin Telepathy?

If identical twins weren’t anomalous enough, Bridgette and Paula Powers kick it up a notch with their uncanny bond. These Australian women have almost never been apart, possibly contributing to their unique communication style. They have a knack for repeating what the other says, sometimes finishing their sister’s sentences or speaking in unison. The phenomenon is known as echolalia: the immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases spoken by other people.

Exhibiting these wild talents at the age of forty two makes them exceptional. Most twins tend to develop separate personalities as they grow up. If their behavior doesn’t change, twin DNA tends to diverge over the years. [1] In the case of the Powers sisters, they share the same heart and blood pressure conditions. Also there’s this curious account they related to the Sydney Morning Herald last year.

The longest they’ve been apart was three days during their teens, when Paula was hospitalised for an appendectomy. Helen told the doctors that whatever ailment one twin suffered always affected the other soon after, but they refused to remove Bridgette’s appendix at the same time.

“That led to a very bad experience for me,” ventures Bridgette, her first solo utterance since my arrival. “I was at a bus stop and three guys tried to pull me into their car. But I used my whole strength and I fought hard and I did get away from them.”

Paula says she sensed her twin’s distress from her hospital bed. “I felt really sick and my blood pressure was going up. I knew something was wrong.” Soon afterwards, she “knew” Bridgette was downstairs being treated for minor injuries incurred in her struggle with the men: “And then Bridgette came up and told us what had happened.” Within a few weeks, as Helen had predicted, Bridgette was back in hospital having her appendix removed. [2]

Watch Jenny Brockie’s interview with the Powers sisters and decide for yourself if these coincidences are genetic, social, or something stranger.

n.b. For fans of China Miéville’s Embassytown, this is exactly how I imagined the Ambassadors speaking in the novel.

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  1. Epigenetic differences arise during the lifetime of monozygotic twins –
  2. Bridgette and Paula Powers: ‘We give all our love to the birds’ –
  1. from the What’s-That-Sound-Dept.
    grab your fav cuppa & take a gander @ this

    one of the things that got me is that this guy, an experimentalist, has discovered that it isn’t dependent on the STRENGTH of the fields but the PATTERN & SHAPES of the field

    if it is normal for human beings to be able to do this, then no wonder the various authorities (religious & secular — the making of the occult a blasphemy, of witches, of magic, of astrology, of homeopathy, etc etc etc) have tried to make this stuff a blasphemy to even think of it…

    i love how evidence of Psi has come aboot subtly, without firework fanfare…just bit by bit by bit till it becomes inevitable…

    1. Fabulous talk.Some things I
      Fabulous talk.

      Some things I personally rely upon to reassert some kind of local coherence in the EM soup created by electropollution – salt my environment with orgonite and periodically re-entrain my brain to the Schumann resonance with recorded music designed for that task.

      It should also be pointed out that human brains are not the only brains on the planet.

      Some quibbles – sometimes when a remote viewer is latching onto another human rather than an object that human will sense the probing – contrary to Persinger’s assertion. Also, it is true that increasing electropollution may be reducing paranormal sensing in humans, but the other side of the coin is that it may be providing more energy for paranormal entities to make their presence more noticeable. There can be an increase in manifestation when things like, for instance, cell phone towers are erected in the vicinity of structures or “ground” that has a lot of past emotional “baggage” or “history” attached to it.

      A global consciousness is being statistically detected by the global network of Random Number Generators:

  2. I assume the article title
    I assume the article title was referring to the speaking in unison, which as other twins in the show mentioned has a more prosaic explanation. What I will say is this: why have they not been tested, even a simple Zener card test should suffice. If psychic phenomena has anything to do with being “on the same wavelength” (to use a trite phrase) , these 2 ladies have it in spades. No psychic organization in all of Australia can get this accomplished? If these 2 show no such ability (properly controlled) – and they more or less claim they are the *same* person … well I’d draw my own conclusions. Just amazing they haven’t been approached.

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