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What Hallucinations Reveal About Our Minds

In this fascinating TED-Talk, neurologist and author Oliver Sacks discusses Charles Bonnett syndrome, a strange condition where visually impaired people experience lucid hallucinations.

Our good friend Paul Devereux has written on this topic previously, in Darklore Volume 1 and Fortean Times, and you can find a version of his article at It’s a personal story involving a friend of Paul’s that suffered from Charles Bonnet syndrome, which got him thinking about the ‘reality’ of our perceptions:

The Charles Bonnet Syndrome is merely an observation, not an explanation, so what exactly causes these hallucinations? On that subject the medical literature becomes less helpful, and it is clear, even admitted, that no one really knows. I could buy the idea that patches of light in the central visual region could be related to pathological conditions in the macula, and could cause people and writing to apparently disappear intermittently, but faces at the window, and people dressed in various costumes walking toward churches or driving vehicles or holding street parties seem more of a push. This was especially the case for me in that I was also aware that people claiming to encounter spirits, whether psychic mediums or ordinary individuals in spontaneous cases, tend to report seeing them in their peripheral vision rather than directly, “head on”. I could not help but wonder with these macular degeneration visions whether we were dealing with hallucinations or spirits or some subtle level of perception between them both.

Although the actual mechanics are currently unknown, the basic official theory explaining the visions associated with visual impairment like macular degeneration is that the brain, on receiving incomplete visual data through the eyes, “fills in” the missing elements as best it can – a kind of “best fit” process. In fact, there is evidence that it is only the input of a constant visual stream through our eyes that prevents the brain making up its own imagery in any case. This has been demonstrated in sensory deprivation experiments in which subjects who are placed in total blackout conditions for long periods experience hallucinatory imagery to lighten their darkness. All of us experience this in another form and to a lesser degree when we dream.

If this explanation is true, then a whole host of other implications are raised. If animated figures in costumes, shades of the dead, processions leading to physically real churches, whole landscapes and entire, complex scenes can be rendered in intricate detail by the brain struggling to “fill in” gaps in sensory data, what then is “reality”? Could what we take to be concrete materiality be a kind of hallucination sustained by cultural conditioning, and are paranormal phenomena simply glitches in that illusion? Are the different, spirit-based worldviews held by tribal societies simply other forms of hallucination no less “real” than our own? Is the Hindu doctrine of apparent reality being but the “Veil of Maya”, of illusion, correct?

Whatever the answers are to such questions, one thing is certain – we do not see with our eyes alone.

An interesting point made by Oliver Sacks is that around 10% of visually impaired people have these hallucinations, but only about 1% report it to their doctor, as they fear being labeled “crazy”. It’s a similar predicament to people who have near-death experiences and other seemingly paranormal interactions, and suggests that there is somewhat of a deleterious effect to the growing rationalism of the modern world. In fact, we are strange creatures who regularly see and experience strange things – we shouldn’t “believe” them as a matter of fact, but we should at least acknowledge more often that they are a built-in part of our perceptual range.

Dr. Sacks’ latest book, Hallucinations, which obviously touches on this topic, will be released later this year and can be pre-ordered via the given link.

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  1. Bonnet Syndrome
    Before she passed at age 90, my mother (who was otherwise quite lucid) experienced vivid hallucinations that ranged from seeing images like old movies unfolding to impressions of people that weren’t there. She was diagnosed as having Charles Bonnet syndrome–which was a relief to her, since it was preferable to thinking she might be losing her mind. But it never really explained what those images were, or what caused them, and I remain intrigued by what was really going on.

  2. Interesting take on this by
    Interesting take on this by Dr Sacks considering all material reality we experience occurs entirely as a construct within our brain or mind, i.e. sensory perceptions are received and constructed by our brains into the visual, auditory, olfactory and sensory pictures and experiences of presumably an external material and “permanant” world. What our eyes “see” is entirely a construct of our brain. A color blind person see the world as shades of gray, yet I see colors or so I think. Is one reality more real than the other? So what are hallucinations in reality? Or is all reality an illusion of consciousness, a construct of consciousness…?

    1. I don’t doubt that a lot of
      I don’t doubt that a lot of paranormal experience is hallucinatory – especially in the case of sleep paralysis – but cameras and voice recorders are not so afflicted neurologically.
      Here is an early Ghost Adventures outing in the Goldfield Hotel that became one of the more famous ghost video captures. There were also some spectacular EVP’s during this episode.
      It is important to rule out neurological biases, but it only rules out a fraction of the experience.

      1. Cameras aren’t neurologically afflicted but their users are
        emlong “I don’t doubt that a lot of paranormal experience is hallucinatory – especially in the case of sleep paralysis – but cameras and voice recorders are not so afflicted neurologically.”

        Even if cameras etc aren’t neurologically afflicted em those who study whatever’s been recorded are and you only have to review the different takes on say Patty in the Patterson Gimlin film to realise how difficult the whole subject is.

        For decades I used to roar uproariously whenever they wheeled the film out for yet another documentary because it was quite obvious to me there was no such things as Sasquatch so it had to be a bloke in a suit.

        Even when the image was stabilised for the first time by MK Davis I still refused to credit it was anything but a hoax.

        But on just this one occasion I suddenly realised I was looking at a pair of magnificent hooters which even if they were false I’d never noticed before and I suddenly realised I’d never really been looking at the film at all.

        Some of course’ll argue it’s actually now I’m now longer seeing the REAL film and the strangely human like being I now behold’s actually a phantasm of my imagination.

        They may even be right.

        But exactly the same applies to their perceptions of that film yet how many of them’re capable of realising that never mind honest enough to admit it?

  3. Go Olly Go!
    Oliver Sacks ‘subjects who are placed in total blackout conditions for long periods experience hallucinatory imagery to lighten their darkness.’

    Substitute ‘God’ for ‘subjects’ and you have Hinduism/Zoroastrianism/Judaism/Christianity/Islam etc in a nutshell.

    Greg ‘we are strange creatures who regularly see and experience strange things – we shouldn’t “believe” them as a matter of fact, but we should at least acknowledge more often that they are a built-in part of our perceptual range.’

    You said it Greggy baby because if we treated acknowledging all our perceptions as a kind of normal mental hygiene routine then whenever some of us start experiencing more exaggerated or extreme forms of such things we’ll view it as more akin to experiencing extreme weather conditions rather than an excuse to start sawing off the top of heads and reach for the ice cream scoop.

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