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Help Required

As stated when we ‘re-opened’ the website, we are looking at adding video and audio at some point as a feature for readers. However, to do so we’ve had to purchase a rather kick-butt server, which is unfortunately quite a slap to my hip-pocket. As such, I’d like to put a request out to anyone interested in using our server as their webhost to contact me. Tell me your current deal and I’ll try and offer something better (less cost or more disk space etc) – any help would be most appreciated.

I’m open to all sorts of options, from hosting complete domains to anyone that wants their own website as a sub-domain of (e.g. something like Even if you’d just like your very own email address, I’m eager for a chat. Any support would not only be a help in keeping the website alive, but also a step towards improving it with added features. Thanks for your attention, now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

  1. Recommending news links …
    In ye olde days, when we used to hike through fifteen feet of snow without shoes chased by ravenous wolves, we could email admin and recommend news stories. Is there a way to do this?

    A good link from Graham deserves to be discussed here, re: a 250 year old conundrum in Staffordshire. And per Murphy’s Law, the bloody article doesn’t provide a picture, so we all have to use our imaginations:

    Now I’m off to bed and hopefully when I wake up tomorrow, some brilliant TDG member has solved the puzzle for me. 🙂

    Great to see the site back up, Greg. By the way, Simon Cox’s “Cracking The Da Vinci Code” is being shelved under Art History in the bookstore I work at — I’d much prefer it sitting next to the Dan Brown novel, of which there are pyramid stacks numbering in the hundreds all over the store, or in science. What do you think?



    “Read like a butterfly, write like a bee.” – Philip Pullman

    1. The more things change…
      Hi Rick,

      Nice to see your here! Yes, I’ve really got to get a submission queue setup working, my todo list is overflowing but that should be a priority. In the meantime, anybody with stories to send can email me via the email address in the above story.

      On the code: we are getting old and crusty here at TDG, but you still have to get up early in the morning to beat us to news. See my update on Tuesday of this week – here’s the direct link to the story:

      I even included a link to an image of the monument…

      Also see my news briefs from today (Thursday 13th), there’s a link to a more detailed story.

      Peace and Respect

      You monkeys only think you’re running things

      1. I’ve got to get up later in the day
        as it seems I can’t get up any earlier than TDG!

        Thanks for the link, Greg. And good luck with the site — surely you could fix it up quicker than the Brisbane Lions can win a fourth premiership? 😉

        Now this monkey is going back to swinging in the trees ..

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