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Mirage Men Trailer

The first trailer for the documentary film Mirage Men – billed as a “a journey into paranoia, disinformation and UFOs” – has been released:

I’ve been looking forward this one for quite some time, should be a fascinating film. It’s based on the book of the same name by Mark Pilkington, which you can pick up from Amazon US or Amazon UK.

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  1. I know what I saw
    I’d agree with Mirage Men… if I hadn’t seen a UFO myself.

    Still, I recommend Mark’s book, and I’m looking forward to the film. Mirage Men isn’t the answer to the entire UFO question, but it’s definitely an answer to part of it. It reminds me of the psy-ops disinformation technique called the double bubble (which these days has become so convoluted, it’s a bubble bath of obfuscation and rubber duckies). Mirage Men paints the UFO story as a stage magician’s fancy trick; once you know how the stage trickery works, you view all magic as nothing but smoke and mirrors. But I’ve seen a UFO, and I believe in magic. 😉

    1. Piece of the Puzzle
      Agreed–it’s probably a piece of the puzzle but not the entire puzzle. Not only have I also seen these things flying around myself, but there is the vexing problem of sighting reports extending back through history, all the way from the early 20th century to the ancient Egyptians. It will be interesting to see if he takes those into account or ignores them.

    2. Smoke & Mirrors
      IMO Pilkington might be approaching the subject from the same perspective of Randi and Teller –both professional stage magicians and Pilkington a crop circle maker– with the rationale that if they can bull$#!t everyone, then EVERYTHING is bull$#!t.

      Still, I’m so looking forward to seeing this film. It will provoke all sorts of interesting discussions in the Fortean bloggosphere 🙂

      1. Still wondering…
        How Pilkington was able to pass off Doty and Moore as anything but pariahs in the UFOlogy field debunked ages ago by people like Jacques Vallee and Jim Kieth.

        Still wondering how Pilkington was able to go around telling stories that Vallee shredded to tatters in Revelations, along with any credibility that Doty might still have. I mean, did he bother reading any of that first?

        Still wondering why Pilkington went ahead with the project when I know for a fact he was told by at least one prominent person within the community that nothing Doty said could be trusted.

        1. Messenger of Deception
          [quote=SecretSun]Still wondering why Pilkington went ahead with the project when I know for a fact he was told by at least one prominent person within the community that nothing Doty said could be trusted.[/quote]

          I think that’s the whole point of the project.

          1. The real question
            The real question we should be asking is, why did Doty agree to appear on this documentary? what does he gain with it?

          2. Mmmhhhh
            [quote=red pill junkie]The real question we should be asking is, why did Doty agree to appear on this documentary? what does he gain with it?[/quote]


  2. Separating the Aircraft from the Chaff
    A whole lot of my tax dollars have been going to black programs, so Mark has my interest! It’s a different angle, which we should always encourage. Kudos to TDG members for not being “over-sensitive” (this time, haha).

    1. Release date
      [quote=nycjeff]Anyone know when its supposed to come out?
      The website doesn’t list a date.
      There is no imdb entry as far as I can tell.[/quote]

      Still no official release date, but Mark told me they expect it to be ready for release by “late summer”.

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